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None pov:

At the Ygs company:

Yg was really having a hard time for getting a mental pressures for his overload of company works and also for continuously worrying about his husband.
He really couldn't get his mind off of Mn.
He was tensed about his husband's current condition. He wants the solution as soon as possible. He couldn't stand seeing his powerful alpha husband looking so weak & vulnerable before him.
It was literally breaking him from both inside & outside.

Yg is now randomly scrolling the mouse pads of his laptop and was still deeply thinking about his husband.
Some faded scents of something was continuously disturbing him since he entered into the company building today.
He knows that scent but he was doubtful to assure it.
He was literally deeply engaged in his own thinking world but soon he got distracted as  suddenly his door got softly knocked by someone.

Yg : ( sighed in big and replied)
Come in.

The secretary came in by opening the door.
The scent again flashed in his nose.  But he still tried to ignore it.

Secretary: Sir .
Mr. Kim has asked me to give you this.

The secretary went ahead and handed Yg the application.
Yg opened the folded piece of paper and got a little bit shook by seeing it's actually an application for Mns early leave.

Yg : ( confusedly looked back at the secretary)
It's an early leave application.
What happened?
Is he ok ?

Secretary: ( confusedly shook his head and replied)
Maybe not.
I don't know sir.

Yg : ( sighed and got up from his seat)
Why did you bring his application to me. ?
Isn't it  his duty to submit to me by himself?

Secretary :( got a little bit tensed and replied with a nervous and low tone for being afraid of his strict CEO)
Yeah it is,sir.
But he requested me to do that.

Yg : ( sighed ) fine.
Proceed me to his office.

Secretary: Sure sir.

Just at the moment the secretary opened the door Ygs heart panged with a familiar scent.
It's fresh like some forest's natural scents.
And it's getting darker and darker as he was proceeding ahead.
So now Yg guessed he confirmed the scent.
So he just abruptly stopped on his track and suddenly ordered his secretary,

Yg : o-ok. Go back to your place. I'm proceeding ahead alone.

Secretary:( looked confused )
A-are you sure ,sir ?

Yg : Yes, go. ( Replied sternly)

Secretary: ok sir. ( Immediately left the spot)

Yg now cursed himself and proceeded ahead.
He was cursing himself coz he couldn't remember that it's the season of Mns rutting time.

Everytime he always marks or checks the date of Mns rutting seasons. Although the dates arent the exact on every year , still he somehow managed to sense Mns rutting seasons before Mn could face it.
But this time, to Yg , it happened so suddenly and uncertainly.

Yg went before Mns room and gently knocked on it.

He heard Mns husky yet a little bit tensed tone from inside,

Mn : D-dont come in now . I'm busy.

Yg didn't listened to Mn. Rather he immediately came in and then locked the door from behind .
Now the scents are clearly coming to his nose and he got surprised by seeing Mn sitting on his
chair and was tightly hugging his ( Ygs ) pillow.
It all looked like Mn was sniffing on the pillows to satisfy his needs.

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