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When the doctor told Yg that Mn, despite being in the vampire kingdom, was the weakest and turning into a half-cat, Yg felt really hurt. But he didn't show it and accepted the truth.

Yg only shared this with his kids and told them not to tell Mn about it. Yg knew Mn might not handle the news well because he tends to make quick decisions when he's upset. Yg wanted to protect Mn from the painful truth.

After Mn had surgery on his heart, he didn't trust Yg much. He started acting aggressively and making quick decisions. Yg thought it was because Mn felt like he lost his identity as a wolf, and Yg wanted to protect him from more pain.

But Mn overheard the doctor talking, and it broke his heart even more. He started to doubt Yg, thinking that Yg might betray him because of the king's influence.

Maybe Yg will choose someone else with better dignity and better power status than him.

Maybe then Yg's father's word would come true that Yg'll be attracted to other powerful vampires and he'll be forever separated from Yg for being a weak vampire.
And then to get him off his(Yg's) way, Yg'll choose to end his chapter using the king's power.

Feeling really sad and betrayed by his own situation, Mn thought about leaving the city to avoid more trouble. But Zara showed up at the right time and stopped him. Zara took Mn to her home and talked to him calmly. Mn opened up about his feelings, surprising Zara.

After Mn shared his struggles, Zara didn't know what to say. But because she loved him a lot, she gently touched his shoulder and reassured him, "Don't worry, Mn. I'm here for you. I'll protect you from everything. You'll be safe as long as I'm alive. I know a man who's the most powerful man in this vampire world. He's my close friend too. So trust me."

Feeling touched by Zara's honesty, Mn began to trust her a bit. With Zara's encouragement, he went back home and acted normal to not make Yg suspicious. The promise of protection hung in the air, a small hope in the midst of their complicated feelings and uncertain futures.

As time passed, Mn found comfort in talking with Zara than with Yg and slowly he also became friends with Mr. Hong Joshua aka Zara's close friend.

Joshua was a really kind and caring person, and Mn admired him a lot, almost like he did with Yg.

Over a year and a half, they shared many moments, and slowly Mn felt a strong connection with Joshua. Mn couldn't exactly define the connection. He doesn't know what is the feelings that he feels for this particular person?

It's not a love feelings but also not a friend zoned feelings. It's just the feelings of comfort which is quite liked by Mn.

What Mn didn't know was that Joshua also had feelings for him, but his feelings were getting somewhere more deeper and stronger.

As the time passes, slowly the connections between them became intense, turning into a powerful connection. Even though Mn tried to set boundaries, he couldn't resist the affection from Joshua. Mn was caught in a swirl of emotions, struggling with his feelings, torn between his marriage with Yg and this unexpected bond with Joshua.

Mn understands that Joshua has a completely different feelings for him. He is trying to get involved with him more. But for some reasons, Mn doesn't want that to ever happen. Because still he couldn't remove Yg from his heart.

After some months, Mn became a dad to twin boys, just as Yg promised. But Mn felt disappointed because he had hoped for daughters. While everyone else celebrated, Mn couldn't share in the joy.

Tensions grew between Mn and Yg. Yg tried to understand Mn's feelings and bridge the gap, but a strong barrier emerged. Mn became more distant, struggling to accept the reality of having twin boys instead of the daughters he wanted. This strain deepened the cracks in their relationship, putting their once-strong bond to the test.

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