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The problems between the Kimmin couple didn't sort out yet. Rather now it took it's worst turn. Now neither Mn or Yg, none talks to each other or even lives with each other. Currently, Yg is staying at his parent's place because he's still upset with Mn for their last arguments. And Mn is alone staying at the Kimmin Mansion. 

After a long practice at the PRACTICE FIELD Mn finally managed to take a short break at his Home. At home, he got greeted by his one & only loving daughter Ms. Kimmin Alayna. Although currently, Mn was having a tough relationship with his daughter yet his daughter, Alayna never failed to fulfill the responsibilities of being his daughter. Because she loves her father the most. So she normally greeted her father.

Al: Welcome home, Dad.

Mn: (gently nodded his head) 

Al noticed the tiredness in her father's eyes. Last night, suddenly Mn had a serious fever but he didn't allow anyone in his room. Not even his daughter Alayna.
Al didn't complain. Rather she just separately informed her mother about her father's condition.
She knows about her parent's current problems. She knows that for some issues her parents had a big fight with each other and they ended up being temporarily separated from each other.

Right now Al doesn't want to bother her father by asking any stupid questions like-'had you talk to Mum yet?' something like that.
She does not want to do that. But as she was more concerned about her father's health, so she eagerly asked her father,

Al: Last night you seemed so sick. But you needed your privacy so you didn't let me in. Anyway, how are you feeling now?

Mn: (coldly replied) I'm fine.
No need to worry about me.

Al:(sighed sadly and replied) I'm your daughter, Dad. So I must need to worry about you.

Mn: (just kept quiet)

Al understood her father's current mental stability. But she also knows about her father's other problem. She knows the absence of Yg for a long time is very harmful to Mn. The absence of Yg for a long time basically weakens Mn's both physical and mental stability. So being aware of this specific problem, Al tried to unite her parents together. But again she also knows that she can't do that. Because she is aware of the actual reason why her mother has left her father. 


Al: Mum. Are you sure you want to do this for real? I mean you are surely aware of the fact that how dad is, right?

Yg: Yes, princess. I know what I'm doing. And I also know that it's the best way to deal with your dad's problem.

Al: Mum. Please, think again. After this, you'd surely be able to defeat Dad. But later it'll be really a hard task for you to get Dad back to a normal state.

Yg: (sighed defeatedly) Baby. I know. But also I've no other way to deal with your stubborn father.

Al: (felt helpless from both sides) I don't know what to tell you, Mum. I also know how hard it is to deal with Dad. (said queasily after remembering her problems with her Father)

Yg knows his daughter is still upset with her father for ruining her relationship with her ex-boyfriend. So to cradle his daughter he gently patted on his daughter's head and said,

Yg: Don't worry. After solving this problem I'll talk to your father regarding your problems.

Al: (softly nodded her head as ok)

Yg: Till then have some patience, ok honey? 

Al:(nodded her head as ok) ok mum. I'll wait for you.

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