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Later the results came out as per as everyone's prayers. Nothing major happened to Mn for now. But his condition was also not that fine for now.
His heart turned out as weak after this 2nd stroke.

And the duration of his living has also lessened. The doctor informed them that, with this weak heart, Mn may survive for maximum 3 months. So to make him survive more he needs to change his heart as soon as possible.

All these shocking news were not informed to Mn . Cause Yg forbid everyone to inform Mn about these as he knows Mn  really has a weak heart. He really isn't a strong man from not only physically but also mentally.
Informing Mn about his own condition will be a huge mental breakdown for Mn .
So Yg forbid everyone to inform Mn about that.
Although all these news about Mn  were literally breaking both Ygs Mns family's hearts.
Yet nobody still didn't had that courage to share this news with the victim.

Everyone were sad , infact were hurt after hearing the news.
But the person who got the most shock at these news were Yg and Mns mother.

Both of them got senseless in shock after hearing the news.

So after getting back to the senses ,Mn had to first rush to his mom to check on his mom and then from there,he had to rush back to his wife to check on him too. 

Mn is now worriedly sitting beside Yg and holding on Ygs hands ,cause Yg still hadn't got back to his senses.

Mn was praying so hard to his lord to make his wife ok. And probably his lord listened to him . So after a couple of minutes,Yg regained back his senses.

Mn : ( firmly held on Ygs hands and nervously asked in his worried tone)
Y-you ok babe?

Yg first got surprised by seeing Mn. At first he couldn't process the presence of his husband before him . But when the reality hits back to his realization,then his eyes started to get heavy.
He pulled Mn to his chest and wrapped his arms around Mns body. He possessively hugged Mn and started to ramble,

Yg : I'm sorry.

Mn :.....

Yg : I'm sorry to hurt you again. ( Cried hard and begged )
Please, don't leave me.
I love you.

In response,Mn just softly shook his head and then pulled out from the hug. He firmly cupped on Ygs face and then said in a worried tone ,

Mn : I love you too . I won't leave you . Not ever in my whole life.

Yg looked back at Mn in relief mood as he got the reassurance from Mn . But still his tears weren't stop from falling as he was seriously feeling guilty for Mn .

On the other hand,Mn continued,

Mn :  I promise you that,babe . I promise you that, no matter what happens I'll not leave your side.

Yg : ( cried in relief)

Mn : ( wiped out Ygs tears by his thumbs and then softly asked)
So you don't need to worry about this ever again. For now just tell me that, how are you feeling now ?
Are you ok ?
Is your head still hurting? I heard you lost your ... ( Cut off by Yg already shushing Mn by putting his thumbs on Mns lips )

Yg : Shhhh. Don't talk. ( Whispered softly)

Mn :.....

Yg : I'm fine. So you don't need to worry about me. (Softly reassured Mn )

Mn stopped worrying about Yg after getting the reassurance. Now he just sighed in relief and continued to look around to check if the sorroundings of the room is suitable for his wife or not. Since from the doctor he heard ,his wife needs to stay a night in here for some medical check up.

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