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Time skip after some days :
None pov :

Since then after coming back from the hospital, Yg had been extra careful and conscious about Mn.
He even made himself so much concentrated to only Mn  that, he also managed to handle Mns rut period smoothly even though normally it had been always so hard for him to handle it.

Currently Yg is in his office, trying to finish his office work as soon as possible only to get back to his home. Cause he was still sensing something. He was sensing like his alpha husband badly needs him right now at home. Yeah it's kinda odd. But because of being an omega , Yg has that special quality to sense that.

Mn is at home alone with the home maids. Yg had already somehow managed to convince Mn to take a break from the work until his heart surgery is done.

Finally after a long time ,Yg finished his last file and he immediately got up from his seat to arrange his office bags to be prepared for getting back to home already.

Suddenly his new PA came in and said ,

Troy: Hey Yg baby. ( Started with his flirty tone )

Yg :( sighed coldly and glared at his new PA)
Troy please. Just fucking stop these. I'm not your baby. I do have a husband you know?

Troy : (shrugged his shoulder and walked near Yg and said with more flirty tone)
But you don't have someone so handsome like me , right?(winked at Yg )

Yg : ( sighed more and then replied)
First of all . I don't have to look for any other man ,since my husband is already a hella handsome hunk .
Plus he has everything that a wife wants from his husband.
He is not only a great husband to me but also  a great father to my babies. .

Troy :( scoffed with jealousy)

Yg: And second of all.
Stay in your limits ,Troy. Don't forget that you're my  employee here. So if I want I can just kick you out from my company.

Troy : ( only chuckled and smirked at Ygs threat)
Well. I don't think so , my brother Daniel will like that if you do that ,Ygssi.
And I think you know better than me that what happens when your in laws are upset with you. ( Smirked devilishly)

Yg : ( only sighed frustratingly and then replied)
What do you want,Troy ?

Troy : You know what I want . ( Leaned closer to Yg and whispered in a seductive tone )
I want you to be mine for one night.

Yg : ( blood boils up but still he managed to keep that down)
Well that's not possible. And I'll never do that.

Troy: ( now pushed Yg down on the desk and pinned Ygs hands on the table)
Well .  Let me get you by myself then.

Yg :( got shocked )

Troy was about to lean his lips near Yg but suddenly felt his lips being totally crashed by a hard knuckles.

Troy : Fuck !( Groaned in pain )

Troy looked up and got shook by seeing a furiously panting Mn before him .

Mn : ( grabbed on Troy's collar and harshly punched more on Troy's face )
You dared to touch my wife.
You jerk !( Punched more )

Yg tried to stop Mn but his body was giving up on him . Suddenly he was feeling super nervous by seeing Mn being so beast like this and scenting Mns body creating a burning aroma.
It was making Ygs stomach grumbled in a super weird and  nervous feelings.
Tears slipped out of his eyes and so he tried to hold on Mns body and tried to stop Mn.
But Mn didn't stopped, he continued to punch Troy until Troy knocked out.

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