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None pov:

After relishing the warmth they shared, Mn gently pulled away from Yg. Cupping Yg's chin, he whispered with a husky tone that sent shivers down Yg's spine.

Mn: I still have something left to do for you.

Yg, confused and nervous, asked, "W-what's that?"

Mn, with a stern expression, responded, "I've left to punish you for your deeds. You really disappointed me by breaking my trust, Bunny's mum. How dare you go..."

Yg interjected, "Bunny's dada. It was just for you. I never had that intention to..."

Mn, cutting Yg off, declared, "I really don't give a damn about what you thought at that time, Bunny's mum. All I care is that you broke my trust, and now you have to be punished for it," retorting in a dark tone.

Yg gulped hard, feeling the weight of Mn's serious demeanor.

Mn firmly grabbed Yg's wrist and said in a mad tone, "Now let's go."

Yg helplessly followed his husband, being dragged out by Mn.

Time skip after 1 hours:

Yg found himself crying a mess in their bedroom, overwhelmed by the teasing Mn subjected him to without letting him touch even once. Mn had playfully slapped his "yunki" multiple times, leaving hickeys on his waist and thighs. Despite Yg's desperate frustration, Mn continued his torment, even taunting him with his shirt off.

Amidst Yg's internal turmoil, he couldn't help but notice the toll Mn's ill health had taken on him. His once well-defined abs were replaced by visible skeletons, a stark contrast to his usual physique. Yg, regretful of his neglect during his busy months, felt the weight of responsibility settling in.

As Mn continued to tease him, Yg, determined to rectify his mistakes, watched his husband with a newfound concern and love. However, the frustration reached its peak, and Yg, with an unexpected burst of strength, tore the ropes and took control.

Now on top, Yg initiated a passionate kiss, groaning and hissing in pleasure as Mn reciprocated. The power dynamic shifted, and Yg vowed to make Mn regret his teasing. However, their playful banter took a turn when Yg decided to untie Mn's ropes, leaving Mn confused about Yg's intentions.

Yg, unfazed by Mn's confusion, changed the atmosphere by putting on his pajamas and inviting Mn back to bed. Cuddling him, Yg broke the silence by suggesting they visit the doctor the next day.

Mn, initially resistant, couldn't deny the genuine concern in Yg's eyes. Yg expressed his worry about Mn's deteriorating health, and a drop of tears escaped him. Yg pleaded with Mn to prioritize his well-being and agreed to visit the doctor together.

Mn, unable to refute Yg's genuine concern, remained silent. Yg kissed the top of Mn's head, whispering words of love and a plea not to be stubborn. With a soft pat on Mn's backside, they drifted into a peaceful sleep, putting aside their arguments for the night.

Time skip to the next morning:

The morning sunlight gently streamed into the elegantly decorated dining room as Yg, engrossed in his breakfast, prepared pancakes for himself while crafting a plate of sandwiches for his husband, Mn. The air was filled with the soothing aroma of freshly cooked food, creating a tranquil ambiance.

As Yg enjoyed his meal, his eyes frequently flickered towards Mn, a habit formed out of genuine concern for his husband's well-being. Mn, seated across the table, took a bite of his sandwich, chewed thoughtfully, and then delicately placed the remaining portion back onto the plate.

Suddenly, Mn rose from his seat, announcing his departure to the office with casual nonchalance. The act didn't go unnoticed by Yg, who swiftly intervened, gripping Mn's wrist firmly to halt his departure.

Yg's tone turned stern as he questioned Mn's abrupt decision. "What are you doing, Mn?" he inquired with a sense of authority. Mn, seemingly unfazed, defended his swift exit, citing a lack of appetite for the unfinished food.

The breakfast table became a battleground of wills as Yg insisted Mn return to his seat and finish the meal. Mn, however, remained obstinate, refusing to comply with Yg's request. The tension between them escalated, and Yg, exhaling a sigh of frustration, pleaded with Mn to avoid a morning quarrel.

Mn, still unyielding, chose defiance over compromise. With a curt response, he pulled away from Yg's grasp, leaving the dining room in a gust of unresolved tension. Yg sighed, feeling defeated in his attempts to understand Mn's recent changes in behavior.

In the days preceding this confrontation, Yg had observed Mn's avoidance of physical strain, refusal to take on heavy tasks, and the emergence of concerning health symptoms. Mn's increasingly labored breathing and frequent use of an inhaler had become apparent to Yg, who worried silently about the well-being of his partner.

Despite Yg's attempts to broach the subject and suggest a visit to the doctor, Mn remained dismissive and uncommunicative. Now, as Yg watched Mn leave with a heavy heart, he couldn't shake the growing anxiety about Mn's health.

Resigned to addressing the issue, Yg signaled the maids to clear the dining table, storing the untouched food in the refrigerator. His own breakfast abandoned, Yg retrieved his wallet and prepared to head to work, his thoughts preoccupied with the determination to take Mn to the hospital for a thorough checkup after the day's tasks were complete.

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