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Mn felt deeply wounded by Yg's actions. His self-respect and ego took a hard hit when Yg slapped him in front of their son. Though Mn's eyes welled up, no tears escaped. The pain from Yg's actions had become overwhelming. They had shared a loving marriage for years, but after Mn's transformation into a vampire and the birth of twins, their relationship had transformed too.

Now, they no longer slept or ate together, and quality time was a rare occurrence, limited to breaks at their workplace. The distance between them grew, and Mn found it hard to trust Yg. Despite the turmoil, Yg still held onto hope, praying for a chance to return to their happier times.

In the midst of these complications and the recent incident, Mn couldn't bear it any longer. Filled with intense emotions, he left their home, determined to bring a definitive end to his relationship with Yg.

Yg tried to catch up with Mn, but he was too slow. Mn quickly left in his car.

Yg watched sadly as his husband drove away, tears filling his eyes. Yg's mother and Mn's mom stood beside him.

Mn's Mom: Don't worry, dear. He'll come back when he's feeling better. Right now, it's best to let him have some space. He seems really upset.

Yg: (regretful) I didn't mean for this to happen, Mom.

Mn's Mom: (sighs) Maybe it was a mistake, Yg, and maybe you didn't mean to. But it happened, especially in front of the kids.

Yg: (feeling guilty) I'm sorry, Mom. Please, forgive me.

Mn's Mom: I'm not the victim here, Yg. My son is. You should apologize to him. (sternly)

Yg: (hangs his head in agreement, not saying anything more)

Without uttering more words, Mn's mom left with Leo, who had been silently standing nearby.

Eomma looked at Yg with disappointment.

Eomma: You know what you've done, Yoons?

Yg sadly nodded his head, saying, "I'm sorry that I lost it, Eomma" in an upset tone.

Eomma sighed and asked, "What's up with Leo's situation? Any progress?"

Yg shook his head and sadly replied, "No. The medicines aren't showing any progress."

Eomma sighed more and warned, "You better contact more expert physicians for this. And solve your mess as soon as possible. You already know your current situation with Gukie's Dad and Zara's ongoing obsession for him."

Yg felt threatened and tense after reminiscing about them.

Yg: Eomma, I know. And you know I'm giving my best for it. And about Zara! Eomma, why haven't you reported to the cops about Zara trying to cast a black spell on Gukie's Dad?

Eomma sighed and replied madly, "Yg, it isn't that easy. Zara is your cousin. She's your Appa's sister's daughter. Do you think your father won't create trouble for Gukie's Dad or us if he knows we threw Zara behind bars?"

Yg: But Eomma. She committed a crime! How could you even think of sparing her?

Eomma: Yoonie, I ain't thinking of sparing her. I'm waiting for a golden opportunity to trap her and give her the punishment she deserves. But for that, you need to ensure your position in the Kingdom.

Yg: Eomma, are you kidding me? I'm going to be the next king of this kingdom. Everything is confirmed already.

Eomma: I don't know, Yg. I still have big doubts since the King already has a son.

Yg: Eomma, Joshua has no interest in all this.

Eomma: But he has all the capabilities, Yg.

Yg: Eomma, he doesn't have any interest. Besides, the King assured me about my 'new heir of the thorn' announcement.

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