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In the hospital room, Mn and Yg were sharing a soft moment when an unexpected tension filled the air with a sudden, urgent voice.

Someone: No, sister. I need to see my daddy right now, and that's right now.

A girl tried to interject, but the determined voice entered the room, revealing Jk, their elder son, accompanied by a hospital nurse. Mn and Yg looked up, surprised.

Mn called out in shock:

Mn: Bunny?

Jk rushed to his father, crashing into his slim arms.

Jk: Daddy! (hugged Mn tightly)

Mn, almost breathless from the strong embrace, tried to calm his son:

Mn: Slow down, my boy. Slow down.

But Jk, stubborn and concerned, pressed on:

Jk: No!! First, tell me, how did you get here? What happened to you?

Mn attempted to evade the truth:

Mn: Bunny. Nothing happened. I was just a little sick, so...

Jk, seeing through the lie, barked:

Jk: Don't lie, Daddy. I can already see bandages on your neck and hands.

Caught off guard, Mn struggled, but Yg intervened:

Yg noticed Mn's discomfort and persuaded Jk to give his father some space.

Jk apologized and then shifted his attention to the bandages, demanding the truth. Yg, realizing the situation, decided it was time to confess.

Yg softly pulled Jk away, asking for space, and then began to confess. However, Mn, feeling the need to protect Yg, abruptly interrupted with a fabricated story about a wolf attack.

Jk, Yg, and Mn were left in a tense moment as Mn crafted a tale of a wolf encounter while Yg looked on, shocked by the elaborate lies.

Jk, frustrated, questioned his father's priorities, and Yg tried to soothe the situation. However, Jk's anger escalated, expressing his disappointment and vowing to expose the truth to their family.

In a storm of frustration, Jk stormed out of the room, leaving Yg and Mn shaken by the repercussions of the tangled web of deception.

Yg, now in a serious tone, questioned Mn about the lie.

Yg: Okay, now I seriously need to know, Mn. Why the hell did you lie to him? Why couldn't you just tell him the truth?

Mn, coldly looking down, shut down any further discussion.

Before Yg could respond, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Someone: May I come in, sir? We need to provide the patient with some injections.

Yg looked at the male nurses, feeling a sense of familiarity. As they prepared a dose for Mn, Yg's memory clicked.

Yg: Wait.

Mn looked at Yg, confused. Yg held back the nurse.

Yg: You're not a nurse from this hospital, right? Aren't you Mr. Dep, my Appa's vampire employee?

Male Nurse hesitated, realizing he was exposed. Before he could attack, Mn intervened, kicking the nurse back and saving Yg.

As the vampire nurse tried to retaliate, Mn shattered the poison dose on the floor. Mn and the vampire engaged in a brutal fight, leaving Yg in shock.

Mn kicked the vampire away, turning to Yg with urgency.

Mn: Babe, did you bring the car?

Yg nodded in panic. Mn urged him to leave with Jk while he handled the situation.

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