Undead Lover

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Reine pov: I looked around the room at the sacrifices, but none of them drew my attention. They were just average commoners. Since I'm a peafowl, I tend to only look for beautiful girls that are full of life and color, but I didn't see anyone like that here. No one was to my taste.

In the distance, I noticed a purple-haired girl strutting down the walkway, her beautiful locks shimmering like a beautiful galaxy. I quickly recognized the girl as Hoshinova Moona, my gorgeous senpai. I looked up to her so much that I idolized her for her beauty. Last knew she was traveling the galaxy with Iofi, but I didn't see her here.

"Moona-senpai!" I called out to get the woman's attention. She got a huge grin as soon as she saw me.

"Reine, I haven't seen you in so long!" She said, running up to me and getting me into a tackle hug.

"It's been like two or three years, right?" I asked. She nodded as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to someone more private to talk to.

"How's Risu-senpai and Iofi-senpai?" I asked Moona, who wouldn't look me in the eyes,

"Risu went back home to the mystical forest and Iofi completely went off the grid one day. I'm the only one left," she said. I could tell her smile was just a facade. I knew she was hurting inside.

"How is that Keris girl doing, Anya was it?" Moona asked, changing the subject from Iofi and Risu as much as she could

"Anya went to the Indonesian mountains to get repairs from a famous blacksmith. I think her name is Kaela Kovalskia." I told her, reaffirming that I was alone too.

All I had heard was that I was missing a genmate They were a zombie, one of the most vile creatures on the planet. Despite that, I truly wished I could meet her

Moona tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to a girl slightly in the distance. I looked in the direction, noticing that the red and grey-haired girl that was with Irys shook seemed to have run into Kobo and was getting along with her fine.

"I hear that's Kureiji Ollie, the girl you are looking for," Moona whispered. It did add up.

She was a zombie naturally she was filthy. Her clothes were in tatters and she was loud. She was heterochromatic. One eye was red and the other yellow. A rusty looking blade poked through her hair, keeping her bun in tact. She was honestly a mess, but for some reason I didn't hate it.

Moona was practically pushing me towards Ollie. She really wanted me to introduce myself. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Calli walking into the room with three other girls, but I decided not to worry about it since Kiara's affairs weren't really my concern.

"Hello!" I blurted out, getting Ollie's attention instantaneously. She leered at me, sizing me up while beginning to talk.

"Your the peafowl, Kiara brought What do you want? She asked with a harsh tone.

I could tell, despite her harsh tone, she was captivated by my beauty. She probably thinks a lowly creature like her has a chance with a pristine lady like me, but she would be sadly mistaken.

"I just wanted to talk and confirm if you truly are the girl I'm looking for." I said Ollie tilted her head in confusion.

"What's your name?" "Maybe I know you since you think you know me." Ollie said, with a lighter tone than last time,

"I'm Pavolia Riene, the most beautiful woman on the planet." I said, while posing myself so everyone could get a good look at me.

"How humble..." Kobo said sarcastically, clearly not appreciating my beauty.

To be completely honest, I am usually not this vain. I think I'm trying to make a good first impression.

"Wait, you're the daughter of Pochi-sensei, right?" Ollie asked me with surprise. I nodded and we stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity before Ollie spoke up again.

"That settles it! I'll make you fall in love with me by the end of the week! " She exclaimed loudly, making the entire room go silent.

"Ollie-senpai, what are you talking about? She is from a pristine family, she would never fall for you!" Kobo yelled, not understanding why she would say that

"I just want to prove something." Ollie sighed, fighting back at what Kobo said.

"Intriguing I'll take you up on that offer today is a Sunday right that means you only have 7 days to woo me" I giggled knowing she couldn't possibly manage to make me fall in love within the alloted time

She reached out her hand telling me to shake it. Once our hands touched, the agreement between us would be made and we couldn't take it back. We firmly shook hands and soon after, I pulled away not noticing her arm had come with me.

"Be more gentle with me, I'm frail you know!" She said I laughed, remembering her body had already decompossed, so it would easily fall apart.

I tossed her an arm and waved bye to her before turning back to Moona. "That seemed to go well," she giggled just before she was approached by Sana.

"Moona-senpai, I need you to pick up a parcel for me. I'll give you the address. Wait just a moment. " She said, as she rummaged through her clothes looking for the slip of paper.

"Why does she call you senpai?" I asked Moona, who quickly answered,

"She is a masochist. She prefers to be treated like a lesser person. I don't really get it either," she whispered as Sana pulled out the sheet of paper, handing it to Moona

She quickly glanced at the address. "Isn't this where Kaela Kovalskia lives?" Moon asked Sana nodded,

"I need you to pick up something I had her fix for me. It may or may not have to do with Yatagarasu," she said, because she didn't want to flat out say she broke his container again.

"Reine, you want to come along? You'll be able to see Anya again." Moona said I nodded, telling her I just have to tell Mumei I'm leaving.

"Can I come along since I need to learn more about this beautiful lady" Ollie slyly said kissing my hand

I didn't want her to go, but Moona nodded, "You can go as long as you don't mess anything up." She sighed

I just had to accept she was going. The three of us went to find Mumei so I could tell her I was leaving. We found her easily and she was oddly okay with it too, so with the okay, we set out to Kaela's Smithery in the mountains.

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