New Reality

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Calli pov: "I can't let you do this!" Bae screamed as she was grabbed by Irys and pulled back.

"Bae, the more you oppose this, the more I want to do it," Mumei said.

"Calli, side with me!" Bae yelled

"I'm sorry, but I can't..." I said quietly.

"Why not?" Bae said, shocked.

"Because this world would be better for all of us," I said.

I watched as Bae broke out of Irys's clutches and ran at Mumei. She went to punch her but a vine wrapped around her arm, stopping her.

"Don't you dare touch Mumei..." Fauna growled.

"Don't kill her!" Mumei shouted, making Fauna jump.

"You are still acting like a bero..." Bae said, scoffing at Mumei.

"I am the savior of the world," Mumei said.

Bae tried to move as she realised she only had about five minutes left until the world was changed. She was getting desperate and was just jerking around frantically.

"Just accept it, Bae." I said, surprised by my own words.

"No Calli I can't feel this isn't right This isn't ethical. The world is basically ending... " Bae said

"You know what,..." Mumei said, snapping her finger Bae was suddenly trapped in a cube.

"You have about four minutes..." Mumei said.

"No, please stop this, Mumei!" Bae screamed.

"I won't. Why are you trying to stop this? Don't you want the council to do something?" Mumei asked.

"Yes, but there will be no reason for council in this world!" Bae yelled

"That's not true." Mumei said, "You'll see." She stated

I looked at Kiara as time ticked by. At each second, I could feel myself falling for her more and more.

"Kiara, I love you..." I said suddenly.

"Calli, I love you two, but I want to know if you are happy with this," Kiara said.

"Yeah, I am happy with this reality. I get to show my love to you more and more." I said

"Three minutes!" Irys shouted as she amped up the power she was putting into this

I was getting happier and happier too. I felt all my stress, anger, and anguish vanish and my fatigue leave my body. This was the happiest I've ever felt. I didn't even know I was able to feel this happy.

"Calli, I am happy then," Kiara said, walking up to me and locking our lips together, pulling away soon after.

That kiss made me feel really happy. For some reason, I felt like I loved her more than ever, but I didn't understand why that was a distant memory.

I felt myself starting to find myself more and more. I was truly finding who I wanted to be. This was my wish, after all, to be someone Kiara could always love.

"Two minutes!" Sana said she looked as if she was going to pass out, only to be hugged by Ina.

"I'll support you until the end." Ina said softly.

"Thank you, Ina..." Sana said, softly focusing on the ritual harder than before.

Bae managed to break out of the cube and ran at Mumei again, trying to push her out of the little circle thing she was in, hoping that would stop the ritual. She did so but nothing happened.

"Look Bae, it's too late to stop now. Three minutes and below can't be stopped." She explained.

"You have to be joking. No conflict means chaos is useless!" Bae shouted

"The world needs no chaos, just love and peace, hope and dreams. You are twisted," Mumei said.

"Okau, says the woman who loves human sacrifice and murder!" Bae said

"Shut it, you don't understand, people are suffering. I just want to change that and make things better. That's the council's job, after all," Mumei said.

"Okay, but not like this Mumei!" Bae shouted

"Like I said, it's too late. You can convince me to not want this, but I couldn't stop this even if I wanted to. It's too late!" Mumei shouted.

It's never too late. Bae growled

"One minute!" Kronii shouted.

"If I kill you, everything will be fine!"Bae shouted

"Oh, so you're resorting to violence..." Mumei sighed, pulling out her dagger as blood was sent flying.

"Mumei, what are you doing!?" Irys asked.

I watched as Mumei used her knife and cut a slit into her hand. Blood poured out of it, throwing Bae off.

"Can you kill someone, Bae?" Mumei questioned her for flaunting the blood at her

"Y-yes I can!" Bae shouted

"Oh yeah? Then do it kill me. " Mumei said, tossing the dagger to her, "You have about thirty seconds left." Mumei said.

Bae picked up the dagger and ran at Mumei. She went to stab her in the throat but stopped short.

"What's wrong, you have about twenty seconds left and can't kill me?" Mumei said, mocking Bae

"You... I can't kill you, Mumei." Bae said, quietly giving up on everything.

"Three, two, one reset..." Mumei said suddenly everything went dark.

"What time is it?" I asked, suddenly shooting out of bed. The clock said 10:00 AM. I was weirded out by this. I remembered it being six at night.

"Calli, morning babe!" Kiara said with a sultry voice. She leaned over the bedside, kissing me.

I quickly noticed the ring on her and my finger. We were married. I didn't remember doing that. I mean, getting married to her.

"Clara is out playing with Kobo I told them to be back by lunch, "Kiara said

"Wait, who are Clara and Kobo?" I asked if my head was foggy.

"Cali, they are our daughters in this reality," Kiara said, immediately covering her mouth.

"This reality?" I questioned

"I said too much, although by your confusion I can tell you've noticed something isn't right about this," Kiara said.

"All I remember is Mumei saying something. I just woke up." I said Kiara just giggled.

"Don't worry about it babe", she said as she straddled me.

"Kiara, I love you," I said, gently pulling her down to kiss her.

Something was definitely off, but I was happy, so I didn't want to question this any further.

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