Full of Desires

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Choco pov: I could sense people all around me. They all desired something, even if it wasn't love. They still had hopes and dreams I may have messed up though, because Subaru was head over heels for me.

"Botan-sama, when are we leaving?" I questioned

"As soon as Luna-tan wakes up" Botan-sama stated

Subaru suddenly sat next to me "I love you, Choco-sensei!" Subaru cooed

I looked into her eyes longingly and smiled at her, giggling to myself. "How badly do you want to kiss me?" I asked.

"I need it!" Subaru cried.

This is what I meant when I said she was too I to this. It's not like I mind, but it was quite jarring to see someone be so into this immediately.

I leaned down and locked our lips together once again as I drained her of more desires.

"Choco-sensei I thought you were full... Botan sighed.

"I am full!" I said

"Then stop eating Subaru-senpai's desires." Botan said

"I'm not trying to!" I rebuted
Subaru-senpai, stop it!" Botan-sama said softly.

But Botan-chan, Choco-sensei is so sexy, I want her! Subaru shouted

This was definitely not good if this kept up She would be enfatuated with me forever. However, I really wanted to seduce her more because I did love her, but my heart is for another.

I didn't want to take too much of Subaru's desires and fill myself up before dessert, but she was making it hard. Her desires were especially delicious.

"M-morning..." Luna-tan stated as she got up and released a yawn.

"We can go now!" I stated that I was as content as I could be.

"Not quite Choco-sensei, we still need to gather supplies," Botan said.

"By the way, the bathroom is to the right."
As stated by Botan, originally, I would have never thought that was wrong, but it turns out that there was a bathroom inside of this cave.

Botan pulled out multiple guns and packed them up while grabbing an excess amount of ammo.

"Alright, let's go," she stated as she tossed me the backpack.

Subaru finished up in three bathrooms and then Luna-tan went in. Then we decided to set out the animals to come out to hunt.

We were still cautious. Botan was apparently an apex predator. Everything and everyone was afraid of her, so we really didn't have to worry.

"Let's take this slow." Botan-sama stated
We slowly began to climb up the mountainside. She made sure to take the path that was easiest to take since Subaru had to carry Luna-tan.

We slowly got to the top of one portion of the mountain, but there was still a lot to go and it was going to take a while. Botan-sama and I usually get up the mountain faster when we don't have two other girls to watch.

When you have these abilities, Botan-sama can turn into a lion to run, and I can float on its back to get to the top. Subaru should be able to fly, but she has to carry Luna-tan, so that was out of the option.

I could carry Luna-tan or Botan-sama, but Subaru-chan didn't seem to want anyone else to carry her for reasons that she couldn't disclose.

I honestly wish that Luna-Tan had a rocket or something in order to fly. That would make things so much easier for us.
Air travel is extremely beneficial; we simply needed to be able to do so more frequently.Botan-sama can't fly, but she's somehow faster than I am.

"Choco-sensei, there is a pit." Botan-sama stated

I grabbed Subaru-chan and lifted her up as we floated over the pit If Botan-sama showed off, she ran at me, lunging off the cliff in order to grab my legs. If that went south, we could both have died, but we didn't.

I sighed. "You don't need to show off."

"Well, it was cool." Botan-sama stated
Oddly enough, this wasn't the first time Somine did that and almost killed me, but that's a story for another time since I'll probably never see them again.

"How much longer!?" Subaru asked

"Still like thirty minutes, why?" Botan-sama asked.

"I'm sorry for falling..." Subaru sighed

"It's not your fault..." Botan-sama stated
We honestly were making good progress

even if it didn't seem like it. When climbing a mountain, sometimes you have to go down to go up. We have gone down a lot, but we've gone twelve steps up.
We may even be able to get to the top of the mountain in twenty minutes at this rate. However, Botan will pace us so we won't get exhausted.

"Watch out for foxes," Botan-sama said.
I wasn't scared of foxes, but Subaru-chan had a reason to be.

"Hmmm... actually, where are they?" Botan-sama asked, sounding confused.

"Usually this area is full of life..." Botan-sama stated

"Maybe something scared the animals," I said.

"Choco-sensei, don't be ridiculous!" Subaru-chan stated

"That's a possibility." Botan-sama stated she just didn't know what type of animal could have scared them off.

Honestly, there were so many kinds of animals. It could even be a dragon that scared the animals off or something simple like a bear. You never know and that's a scary thing.

I think we are safe, though there doesn't seem to be a hostile animal in sight and since I can sense desires, I can tell if someone or something is nearby and no one desires to eat us.

However, there was an ominous feeling coming a little far ahead that I was worried about.

"Botan-sama let's go to the left" I stated

"I agree. Let's try to avoid whatever that is."
Botan-sama said, agreeing with me.

She could sense that hostility from far away her sensory abilities are amazing. I suppose she is top of the food chain, though I wasn't worried since we have Botan-sama. We may be able to beat anyone

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