The Door Key

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Lui pov: "Koyori, I need you to distract Laplus," I said calmly.

"Roger!" Koyori happily said she was about to leave.

"First free Chloe..." I scowled

"Oh yeah!" Koyori said as she cut Chloe out of her restraints.

"Koyori go," I said.

"Wow, you're being bossy!" Koyori said

"Are you mad?" I asked

"Nope!" Koyori stated

I smiled; she seemed content with me bossing her around; she did want me to be their leader after all, so of course she would be content with being bossed around by me.

"What can I do?" Iroha asked

"Uhm, just be you!" I said cheerfully.

I didn't want Iroha to have a specific role since she was useful as she is and everyone loves her and doesn't want her to change besides Laplus maybe.

Lapis was honestly odd. She didn't know what she wanted. Did she want to rule with an iron fist or did she want to be ruled? She really needs to learn what she wants.

Laplus was a very interesting person. She had what it takes to be a leader, but she didn't know how to lead. This is why I need to take initiative, despite the fact that I don't want to lead Holox.

Sometimes you have to take initiative and lead even if you don't want to, and other times you have to swallow your pride and be the leader. I really don't want to be the leader, however Lapis has never made me feel like this.

Laplus also needs to take better care of everyone other than me. I'm her right-hand woman, so she treats me well; however, she doesn't treat Koyori, Iroha, and Chloe well, especially Chloe. She is like a burden to Laplus.

I needed to unlock the front door, but I needed the key, so I had to search through three rooms. Iroha looked in the storage room; Chloe was in the office; and I am checking Laplus's room.

Her room was small but big enough for her. You'd think this would be a good thing, but since it's smaller, it's jam packed with things, and the key could be anywhere.

I had no idea where it could be. I checked under the bed and in the pillows, the pillow cases, and the closet. I rummaged through all the drawers and got nothing.

I looked around to see if I could move any paintings or floorboards, but there was nothing.

There was a huge carpet with her face on it, so I checked under it and found nothing.

"What the hell?" I said, beginning to get annoyed.

I pulled out my phone to talk to Chloe and Iroha.

"Anything yet?" I texted

"I found a box of keys," Iroha said.

"The key should be blue," I said.

"They are all blue," Iroha responded.

"There is no way..." I texted back.

Chloe ended up responding next.

"I found five blue keys," Chloe stated.

"Bring them to me," I said.

"Are you sure?" Chloe asked

"Really?" Iroha also said

"Yes, just do it," I said.

The two of them came to Laplus's room with the keys and laid them all out on the bed for inspection.

There were about seven hundred or more, and that was just a rough estimation. This was going to take forever.

We only need a key so I can copy it and give it to Mumei next time she needs to come here, so we don't have to do this again since we physically can't change the locks of this place.

"I don't get it. Why are there so many keys!?" Iroha screamed

Bzzt... my phone buzzed.

"I'm being lectured." Koyori texted

"About what?" I asked.

"How to properly do my job," Koyori texted.

"Ask her where she would hide a key," I said.

I waited a few minutes for a response.

"She said on the ceiling," Koyori replied.

I gazed up and saw the key on the ceiling of the room, so I flew up and grabbed it.

How paranoid is Laplus that she thinks she needs to put the key up so high that no one on this planet could reach it other than me? Honestly, Laplus 100% had to use a stepson; there is no way she is tall enough to reach there.

We left the room and made it to the door. In order to unlock it, you need to go past the face recognition, so I did that.

It's odd that you can just use a key to get in. Laplus made a bunch of fake spare keys, so she should know better than to make a door like this where you can just use a key or face ID.

You can also give some DNA, but that is unsanitary and gross, especially because Sakamata Chloe used it recently and used her spittle.

Actually, the more that I think about it, I kiss her, so her spit actually isn't that gross, but just the thought makes me cringe.

Chloe is pretty cute, and I'm happy that Koyori deep cleaned her because I can now enjoy her without my nose burning every time I see her.

It's odd that recently I've been calling her my girlfriend more; I don't know why that is, but it kind of made me warm inside seeing her smile and be happy makes me smile and be happy.

I don't understand why I am attracted to her so much. Maybe it's her kind and gentle nature, or how much of a pervert she is.

She is an interesting girl; she has a ton to talk about, and she wants to protect me even if she can't.

Something about Chloe was loveable.

Yeah, I love Laplus, Iroha, and Koyori, but there is something about Chloe that makes me love her more.

Maybe it's because she loves me, but that's pretty simple. I don't want to just say it's because we love each other, but I will if I must.

I am confused about my feelings, but I will stick to them. I thought to myself as the door was unlocked.

All that is left is to contact Mumei-senpai.

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