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Moona pov: I was kind of dreading my reunion with Risu, despite wanting to see her, because I knew meeting with her would bring me closer to Pekora again. I felt terrible because I had pushed Pekora away many years ago after Iofi, Risu, and I split up. I was depressed and I took it out on her. I'm a terrible person, and to make things even worse, I've known Pekora since she was a kit. We grew up together, but I feel like I was just a terrible friend to her. I shouldn't have pushed her away all those years ago.


"Shachou, do you think one day we will be able to eat something other than bread and stew?" I asked my bunny friend

"I don't know-peko," she said, biting into her small piece of bread. She tore off "I've lived in this forest all my life and I have never gotten sick of this-peko." She told me I just felt like we were missing something.

We were still children, yet we had to make big decisions. We had to learn how to fend for ourselves. That was my whole life. When I was about four, I was shipped off from my planet for some bizarre reason with my siblings, but I have never seen them since. If Risu hadn't found me on that faithful day, I would have been eaten by a bear.

"Pekora promise me something please stay by my side until the end of time" I told my friend finishing my bowl of stew

End of flashback...

My thoughts were interrupted by Risu who pulled me back into reality.

"Hey Moona, are you okay?" Risu asked. Her first two words made me feel sick to my stomach as all my regret and despair flooded into me. Where had I gone wrong? I thought of not being able to get Usada Pekora off my mind.

"Yes, I'm fine." I groaned, biting my lip to stop myself from crying. I knew it wasn't my place to go see Pekora again, but I needed this.

"That's good then." Risu said, calmly hugging me since it's been at least a few years since we last saw each other. For some reason, feeling her embrace made me start crying.

"Risu c-can you t-take me to the hidden g-grove? " I asked, my voice shaken as tears rolled down my face. Risu nodded, understanding Pekora was probably there.

"I bet Pekora-senpai misses you soo much" Risu whispered trying to soothe me but I had my doubts I was horrible to her I can't forgive myself for what happened between us I fucked up big time

"Pekora-senpai could never hate you" Risu told me for some reason her words made me plummet deeper into despair I was still going to be the girl that pushed her away despite our relationship "if she hated you she wouldn't go to the hidden groove now would she?" Risu giggled a bit I wasn't so sure but I trusted Risu and her judgement

"Thank you Risu" I said as I began to think of the past again.


"Shachou, what do you think of me?" I asked her as I started to pick flowers to bring back to Pekora's mama since we were living together for the time being.

"I think you are very reliable-peko." She told me I didn't really understand that since I haven't done anything that would make me reliable to anyone. I questioned why she thought I was reliable and she didn't have an answer.

"Shachou, do you think we're family?" I asked since we have lived together for so long, when we were still children, but we have spent our entire lives together.

"We are family-peko!" She said for some reason, I started to blush hearing her say peko. Usually people try to get her to stop saying it, but I have gotten used to it by now. I never thought it was annoying. I quite liked it.

"Hey Moona! Will you stay by my side forever? " Pekora asked without adding the peko at the end. I looked at her and nodded, promising nothing would ever split us apart.

I went over to her holding out my pinky making a pinky promise that we would never split up ever

End of flashback...

We were just naive children back then, ignorant to the horrors of the world and conflict in general. Times were better back then. I didn't even want to remember what happened between us, but I knew if I was to meet Pekora I would have to face our past and get over my grief.

I didn't notice Risu was practically dragging me to the entrance of the hidden grove. She knew I felt immense pain for this situation, but she also knew I had to overcome this.

"Pekora-senpai will still care about you, Moona," she said. I knew she didn't get it. We were more than just "sisters." Our bond transcended that we fell in love and I hurt her. I am ashamed of myself.

"I think she has every right to despise me" I said Risu looked at me with a saddened expression, telling me to stop sulking as we entered the pathway to the grove. It was peaceful as always. I didn't realise how much I missed this place until I got here. The silence and the serene setting calmed me down a bit, however, I still felt anxious beyond belief since I was meeting with the person I hurt.

I was never going to be able to talk to Pekora again if I kept thinking like this, but at the same time, I didn't want to talk to her after pushing her away and breaking her promise.

Promises aren't meant to be broken. I'm the worst for breaking them after I'm the one who initiated them.

As we got to the exit, there she was just frolicking around the grove. Usada Pekora I gulped as I opened my mouth, ready to talk to my friend.

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