Talking to Space

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Ina pov: I was talking to Sana about random things when Moona and Pekora showed up. They wanted to discuss stuff with Sana, so we decided to pay full attention to her.

"I have a question: can a wormhole or a black hole open underground?" Moona asked.

"Yes, it really depends, though I didn't open any portals," Sana said.

"Do you know anything about the spaceship underground?" Moona questioned

"Yes I do, but you don't need to know about that." Sana said.

"Why not?" Moona asked.

"I was requested not to tell you about it." Sana sighed.

"You were keeping this secret from me!"
Moona shouted.

"I only found out today," Sana sighed.

"Moona, I think you should cut her some slack..." Pekora said Moona sighed, face palming

"Have you talked to Iofi?" I asked.

"No, however, I did see her. She went into that rabbit hole," Sana explained.

"Yes, that's why we need to talk. There is a wormhole or a black hole prohibiting us from advancing!" Moona explained

"Wait, so can Iofi open up worm holes?" I asked.

"No, but she's been studying wormholes and stuff," I explained.

"That's interesting. I can't help you right now though." Sana groaned.

"Why not!" Moona asked.

"Bae gave me a bunch of work to do and this isn't even my paperwork, it's Faufau's." Sana sighed.

"She's too nervous to correct Bae on this mistake." I said before, Mumei handed out the work, so there was rarely a mistake.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do about forest fires..." Sana sighed. "All these options seem like they'll destroy the wildlife," Sana said.

"Hey Sana do you have my paperwork?" Fauna asked.

"Yeah I do, here you go Faufau," Sana said, handing nature her work.

"I'm not going to do the work now because Kronii and I are working things out." Fauna said

"Faufau you and Konini better have fun making out!" Sana laughed.

"We don't do that, Sana..." Fauna said,
taking a pause "unless Mumei is involved," Fauna mumbled under her breath

"Okay, I understand Faufau," Sana said slyly.

"Moona, do you need anything?" I asked.

"Yeah, Ina I still need help with that thing! " Moona yelled Pekora was trying to defuse the situation before something bad could happen.

"Maybe we can help you now, right Sana?" I asked. She looked up at me.

"Yeah sure..." Sana said, sounding as if she really didn't want to help her at all for some bizarre reason.

"Darling, please help her!" I said as I began to pout. She stared at me unwavering until she finally broke.

"Fine Ina, I will help you." Sana said she leaned down, pressing her lips against mine, "only if you compensate later," Sana said, licking her lips sensually.

"Fine, I know what you want." I laughed, kissing her back.

"Alright, Sana, tell me how to get around a worm hole." Moona said leaning forward, awaiting the answer.

"Well, I can go down there and destroy it for you, not that I'd fit in the hole," Sana said.

"What about your size limiter?" I asked Sana glared at me I wasn't supposed to say that.

"Ina, you're lucky. I love you." Sana sighed, shrinking down to a more suitable size for maneuvering the tunnels.

"Sana, can you please come here for a moment!?" Bae asked Sana shot up and immediately ran to where Bae was.

"Damn it now, I have to wait..." Moona growled Sana returned a minute later.

"Moona, apparently according to Bae, Iofi is here but she is trying to find a way out, so let's go help her" Sana said, going towards the rabbit hole.

"Thank you!" Moona said as we all entered the rabbit hole.
"Ina, it's so deep..." Sana said my face turned bright red.

"Think before you talk, Sana!" I shouted,

"She made this sound so weird. All we did was enter a rabbit hole."

"But Ina, you know, I didn't mean it." Sana stated, and for some reason, I didn't believe her. She was lying horribly.

"You did that on purpose!" I yelled. She couldn't help but laugh at how I had just caught her in the act of lying to me

"I'm sorry, Ina, your reaction is just too cute." Sana explained as we went deeper into the rabbit hole.

"Sana, the worm hole is right here!" Moona said Sana went up to inspect it, sticking her hand out into the worm hole.

"This is a worm hole," Sana sighed She snapped her fingers immediately, destroying it.

"There you go, Moona, now you can go on ahead." Sana said, beginning to turn around.

"Wait, Sana, we aren't going to leave them yet!" I yelled. She turned around, sighing.

"Okay Ina because it's for you..." Sana sighed.

"Pekora, you lead the way," Moona said Pekora nodded as she began to go on ahead of us.

"It's dark..." I said

"Hey Ina, if you are too afraid, I'll carry you like a bride." Sana whispered into my ear, making me blush.

"That won't be necessary!" I said, embarrassed by her.

She just began to laugh I couldn't help but fall for her cuteness I wasn't going to let her win, though. I was going to walk on my own two feet until the very end.

Two steps later, I saw a big bug and all of a sudden I was being carried by her like I was her bride.

"Moona, I'm sorry I was being so difficult earlier. I just wanted to get some stuff done," Sana said.

"No problem, I shouldn't have been so rude about it." Moona sighed

The deeper we went, the more we questioned whether it was ever going to end Iofi dug this part, and she dug so much
in a short amount of time, it was as if she had a drill or something. I could tell Moona was starting to give up.

"Don't worry, we'll find her, Moona." Pekora stated

I didn't know how long it would take. All I knew is that we probably had to be getting a bit close.

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