Sleepy Demon

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Choco pov: "uaaaah!" I let out a sharp yawn that startled Subaru and Luna.

"Are you tired?" Subaru asked

"Yes, I only got a week of sleep." I yawned.

"A week, Nanora?" Luna-tan said she was shocked.

"Yes," I said calmly.

"What's the longest you've slept?" Subaru asked

"Almost two months," I said.

"That's a coma!" Subaru yelled

"Nope, I snored!" I said cheerfully.

"That's besides the point!" Subaru commented

"Do you have a problem with that?" I asked

Her face began to burn up, and she became all flustered, making me giggle.

"You melt so easily, just like Mel-Sama," I whispered.

She tilted her head to the side like she was taken aback.

"Who?" Subaru asked.

"Just a sexy vampire," I said.

She puffed up her cheeks and began to pout.

"There is someone other than me..." She said

"I'm fond of you!" I commented, trying to defuse this situation before it got out of hand.

I hadn't talked to Mel-Sama since the incident anyways, and I probably wouldn't be able to talk to her again. That's why it doesn't matter who she is.

Mel-Sama is the only one other than Botan-Sama that can wake me from my deep slumber, though she is very gentle and sweet. That's why I felt awful.

"I made many mistakes," I suddenly stated.

"Huh?" Subaru was confused by my sudden words.

"Just ignore me," I said softly.

I couldn't stop thinking about Mel-Sama all of a sudden, but I needed to get her off my mind by thinking about other cute women, for example, my maid Minato Aqua.

Aqua is dumb, but that's why she is so cute. She is an onion, and I like onions. Then there was a clove of garlic, Murosaki Shion was also cute, but she is also a cheeky brat.

Finally, there is Nakiri Ayame, the cutest oni you'll ever meet, but thinking about those three and Subaru couldn't get my mind off Mel-Sama

"Who else is there?" I asked myself

I wondered that dearly there were a lot of people I liked, but at the same time I didn't want to like too many people.

"Choco-sensei, funny seeing you here..." Botan-sama said while glaring at me

"We weren't supposed to be here." I said I was aware of the mistake.

"You are..." Botan-sama sighed

"Oh ugghhhh!" I yawned

"Don't fall asleep..." Botan-sama sighed

"Why?" I asked.

"We are in enemy lines!" Polka said

"I didn't ask you for input." Botan said

"I think Lamy should say that," Nenechi said, nudging Lamy.

"We're in enemy lines. Choco-sensei!" Lamy-Sama said

Botan-sama just stared at Lamy-sama and smiled.

"This is discrimination!" Polka yelled

"Nope, it isn't Omarun!" Botan-sama said quickly:

"Shishiron, try to be nicer," Aloe suggested.

"I am being nicer." Botan-sama commented

"No, you aren't!" Polka yelled

"I am nothing but sweet to you!" Botan-sama yelled

"You threw me off a mountain!" Polka yelled

"That was funny...." Botan-sama stated

I tilted my head to the side, confused by what she meant by that. I wanted to be aware of this; she must have done it when I was asleep.

I was too drowsy to think, so I let out another yawn and slowly shut my eyes.

Botan-sama walked up to me and kicked me to wake me up.

"Wake up were on the job sleep after... She mumbled

"But I'm so sleepy!" I cried

"What if I called Mel-senpai?" Botan asked

"Please don't!" I yelled

"Then don't sleep." Botan-sama stated

"Naaaaa! "Give me a piggyback ride," Luna-tan said.

I nodded reluctantly. I should be able to stay up if I'm carrying her, but I don't think I can lift her for that long.

I leaned down, letting her get on my back, and I lifted her up.

"Let's go," I stated as I began to walk.

"How do you walk with heels?" Subaru asked

"I just do?" I said in confusion

I didn't know what she meant by this. I'm not someone that complains about heels ever. I didn't even know people had trouble with heels.

Usually I float anyway; I only walk on special occasions like this.

"Choco-sensei, we are all going to meet in the tech room. I have a feeling it's in that direction." Botan-sama said

She was pointing over to the other side of the base. I nodded

"By the way, Subaru I think your little sister was cute," I said.

"Which one?" She asked

"Kiara and Mumei-sama," I said.

"Sama, don't you usually use that for people you are close with?" Botan-sama asked

"Yeah, I met Mumei before!" I said

"When?" Subaru asked.

"It's weird, about five months ago I had a dream where I met Mumei-sama and this woman, Bae, but she was acting like a baby, then we played apex," I said.

"How meta..." Nenechi said

Botan-sama sighed as she lifted both her arms and slammed them into our heads, bonking us.

"You idiots," Botan-sama giggled, sending me into bliss.

"Wait, so did that happen or not?" Subaru asked.

"Well, it did happen, but maybe not in this reality," Nenechi said.

She glared at Botan-sama, waiting to get bonked.

"Wait, was that one okay?" Nene asked

"Yeah, why not?" Botan asked

"I'm sorry I was written to be like this, Shishiron," Nene stated.

"I'm going to hit you...." Botan-sama stated

Nene ran away as fast as she could as Botan-sama began to chase her.

"I still want to know if that actually happened or if it was a dream," Subaru said.

"It did happen; I was wearing a maid outfit too," I said.

"That sounds sexy." Subaru stated with hesitation

"Exactly!" I replied that is what I was going for.

"Are you sure you didn't just make it up?" Lamy-Sama asked

"No, I didn't!" I said happily.

I wanted to get my adrenaline running, so I picked up the pace, and I also didn't want to be asked more questions.

I had way too much on my mind.

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