Hell for the Reaper

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Calli pov:"These children are going to be the death of me!" I cried as Kobo and Clara ran around.

They finished their ice cream and were silent for a minute, but then they started raising hell yet again. Luckily for me, no one is watching me go through this hell.

I sighed as I yanked Kobo away from the fridge. I will not let her scrub and empty our fridge.

"Daddy Kobo took my toy!" Clara cried

"No, I didn't!" Kobo yelled

"Ughhhh, not this again!" I yelled. I felt like I was going to rip my hair out.

Kobo is honestly worse than Ollie; she somehow hit the milestone of being a bigger baby. The worst part is that this is my own daughter.

"Give the toy back." I yawned as I sluggishly reached for her.

Kobo stuck her tongue out and sprayed me in the face with water.

"That is it!" I yelled

"What are you going to do?" Kobo mocked

"I'm going to spank you!" I yelled

"Ah.." Kobo said, immediately sitting down and handing the toy back to Clara.

"Daddy, how did you and Mommy make me?" Clara asked

"Not this question again. You were uhhhhh." I couldn't answer this

"Well obviously they did Mommy and Daddy things," Kobo said.

"Ehhhhh!?" I said it in shock.

"Am I wrong?" Kobo asked innocently

She wasn't wrong, but that was pretty vague. In her case, we did do that stuff, but it was more of a byproduct of our wishes than that, and I didn't want to say that.

"Daddy, do you and Mommy kiss?" Clara asked

"Yes, we do..." I stated calmly

"Daddy, your face is red, are you sick?" Kobo asked

"Eh... I'm sorry, I'm not fucked, I mean sick," I said.

I was blushing. I couldn't tell if it was because I admitted to kissing Kiara or because they kept calling me dad and I'm a girl too.

"How did you meet Mommy Kiawa!?" Kobo asked

"Uhm, that's uh!" I was stuck in place.

I couldn't tell them I met Kiara when I showed up to kill her, and I couldn't tell them about how I hurt her for years either.

"I was her mailman!" I said

"Really!?" Clara and Kobo were amazed.

I just told them a horrible lie, but luckily they bought it.

"What type of mail did you give her?" Kobo asked

What kind of question is that!? I thought to myself, beginning to freak out: what would Kiara order online? I questioned

I've known her for years. I should know this! I screamed in my head.

"Sorry, I can't tell you that information as it is confidential." I said

"Confidencial?" Kobo said she was confused.

"Yes, confidential," I said.

"What does that mean?" Kobo asked

"You don't know!" I asked

"Yup!" Kobo said.

"You are hurting my brain!" I yelled

I wanted to quit, but I won't let Kiara think I'm not capable of taking care of our kids. I want to prove to her that I can raise lives, not just take them. I am on hiatus, after all.

"Daddy, can we watch TV?" Clara asked

"Yes, just do it!" I groaned

They turned on the TV, and they were silent for a while. When the show they were watching ended, they opened up the guide and began to scroll.

"I want to watch this!" Kobo yelled as she snatched the remote from Clara and changed the channel.

"No, I want to watch this!" Clara yelled, doing the same thing as Kobo.

The two girls began to argue and began to fight over the remote. I face-palmed in annoyance.

"Keep this up, and there will be no TV." I mumbled

"Okay..." Clara and Kobo said so in disappointment.

They decided to unanimously pick a show they both liked, and as soon as that ended, they shot up and ran to the coffee table, grabbing tambourines.

"Tambourine Club!" Clara yelled

"Horray!" Kobo shouted

"W-what?" I said in confusion

The show came on, and the two girls began to bang on their tambourines. I wanted some peace, but they were now watching the loudest show they possibly could.

"Ughh...." I grumbled because they weren't even playing their tambourines in tune with the show. This irrated me.

I just wanted to take the tambourines, but they looked so happy, I didn't want to do that and have them be mad at me and cry and be annoyed by me.

If I messed up and they called Kiara, I would be dead meat.

Without thinking, I reached for my phone and called Mumei. I didn't even know why her contact was even in my phone.

"What is it, Calli?" Mumei asked

My eyes widened as I realized my error. "Hey Mumei..." I nervously said

"Who are you talking to?" Kiara asked on the other end.

"Here you can talk to her," Mumei said.

"Wait no!" I yelled, but it was too late.

"Calli?" Kiara said, sounding a little irritated.

"Yes Wawa!?" I replied

"Wawa?" Kiara questioned

"I mean Kiara!" I shouted

"Mommy Kiwawa!?" Kobo shouted

"Mommy!?" Clara said she shot up

"Hush, I'm trying to talk to Wawa!" I said

"Again with that odd nickname," Kiara said.

"I'm sorry!" I said

"No, it's much cuter than Kusotori." Kiara laughed

"So everything is going well over here!" I shouted while going to put my hand up.

"Calli, I take that as something wrong!" Kiara said sternly

"Ehhhhhhh?" I said it in shock.

"Nothing is wrong," I stated.

"I don't believe you," Kiara sighed.

"I'm sorry, but these kids are a handful." I whispered

"Yup, but you can handle it," Kiara said.

"This is hell!" I shouted

"If this is hell, then you should be fine there," Wawa said.

"That is true." I mumbled

"Don't use language like that," Wawa said.

"Im sorry!" I cried

"Calli, I love you," Kiara said.

"Love you two Wawa," I happily said before she said bye to me and hung up.

"Cute!" Clara and Kobo said

"Shut it!" I yelled

I really need to endure this hell; if I can't, then I have no right to be a reaper.

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