Lioness, Fox, and Succubus

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Polka pov: "Shishiron, help me!" I screamed.

Shishiron walked up to me, lifted up the tree, pinning me down with one hand, and threw it into the distance, shocking two of the girls she was with. Choco-sensei already knew she could do that.

"Arughhh!" I yelled at her, attacking her. As soon as I got close, she kicked me in the face, knocking me back.

"Damn it!" I yelled, getting back up and running at her again.

Shishiron punched me in the stomach, sending a shockwave through my body. I slightly fell to the ground, so she axed kicked me, forcing me to slam into the ground.

"Give it up Omarun...." Shishiron sighed.

I grabbed a large tree branch and ran at her swinging it, but she disarmed me and hit me over the head with it. I stumbled back and she low swept me, sending me falling to the ground. Before I could hit the ground, she hit me with a backwards kick, shooting me into the air. She jumped up after me, capturing me between her legs and flipped in the air before slamming me into the ground.

"Phew, nice warm up..." Shishiron stated as she picked me up like a vegetable and threw me at a tree.

"What was that?" Subaru was shocked.

"Oh, that was just their little skirmishes," Choco-sensei explained.

"Why were you down here, Omarun?" Shishiron asked.

"You threw me down here, you idiot!" I yelled

"Oh yeah, I did throw you off the mountainside!" Shishiron said, giggling to herself.

"I could have gotten hurt!" I yelled

"Well, you got a little bit stronger," Shishiron stated, complimenting me.

"One day I'll kick your ass..." I scoffed.

"Sure you will," she said with sarcasm.

"Hey, Lamy says I'll surpass you one day!" I yelled

"Lamy-chan says a lot of things." Shishiron stated

"Why are you like this? "You are so cold to everyone but Lamy," I stated.

"Not true. I love you, Nenechi, and Aloe." Shishiron said

"Prove it!" I yelled

"What am I supposed to kiss?" Botan asked.

"I don't know!" I yelled, confused.

"Fine..." Shishiron stated she walked over and pressed her lips to my forehead, quickly pulling away.

"Why did you do that?" I yelled in shock.

"I-don't know..." Shishiron said, shrugging a bit.

I was too flustered. What the hell was that? Why would she do that? I was so confused my brain couldn't do anything to process what just happened. She completely broke me.

"Don't tell Lamy-chan about this, okay?" Shishiron said

"I won't tell anyone about this either!" I yelled

"You two are something else." Choco-sensei stated, laughing a bit.

This was no laughing matter. I was made a fool out of in front of people. I couldn't believe it.

"This scent... Nenechi is still here, huh." Shishiron stated

"No, she left for dance practice. She must have gotten done," I said.

"That's why the scent is so powerful." Shishiron stated

"Let's go meet up with her!" I said loudly.

"Is it okay if we take one more detour to Choco-sensei, Luna-tan?" Shishiron asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it," Subaru stated.

"Yes, Nanora!" Luna-tan said

"I have nothing better to do," Choco-sensei said.

"I didn't ask you, Choco-sensei..." Shishiron sighed.

"Maybe we will find Aloe too!" I shouted

"No, she went to the underworld. Remember, she had some things she had to tie up." Shishiron stated.

"Oh yeah, can we visit her!?" I asked.

"Only if you behave..." Shishiron sighed.

"Why are you acting all motherly now?" I asked.

"You are my cub..." Shishiron stated

"Neither you nor Lamy gave birth to me, though I'm a fox." I stated

"Then why did I throw you off the mountain then?" I asked.

"You tell me that!" I yelled

Shishiron giggled to herself. I began to pick up another scent. It was faint but quite familiar. The ground slightly began to part as someone began to crawl out of the ground.

"Shishiron, Omarun, is that you?" Aloe asked softly.

"Y-yeah!" We both said in unison,

"Good! I'm glad I didn't forget what you looked like!" Aloe stated

"We are happy to see you!" I stated

"Where are Lamy and Nenechi?" Aloe asked.

"Lamy is at the top of the mountain and Nenechi, can you smell her around?" Shishiron asked.

Aloe sniffed and immediately picked up her scent. "Ah, Nenechi is southwest from our current location," Aloe stated.

"Wait, demons have a good sense of smell?" Subaru said, "Confused."

"Yeah, of course. How do you think we know who has the most desires?" Choco-sensei asked

"We don't all smell desire, but sure..." Aloe ststed

"You are a succubus too!" Choco-sensei yelled

"Nope, I'm a succubus in train. There is a difference." Aloe stated in a cocky manner.

"You are as cheeky as ever," Botan said.

"Of course the underworld officials trained me well," Aloe stated, as she looked at us and showed off her new headphones.

"Those are nice. Did you buy them?" I asked.

"Yes I did. They were pretty cheap, only about $10,000." Aloe stated

"That's not cheap!" Subaru yelled

"Yes, it is Subaru-sama..." Choco-sensei sighed.

"You aren't a devil, so you don't get how money works down there," Shishiron stated.

"Nnaaaa! That seems like robery. " Luna-tan stated

"Not really," Aloe said, "anyway, I want to see Nenechi." Aloe said cheerfully,

"Sure, that's where we were going anyway," Shishiron said.

"Let's go!" I yelled

"Aloe, do you want a piggyback ride?" Shishiron offered

"Yes please! "I don't have the energy to float," Aloe said.

Shishiron let Aloe climb onto her back and she secured her. "Alright, I'll move extra slowly, okay?" Shishiron asked.

"No, go fast!" Aloe cried.

"Okay fine..." Shishiron stated.

Shishiron tightened her grip on Aloe and shot into the distance from how strong Nenechi's scent was and how injured her leg was. I'd say she'd make it there in fifteen to twenty seconds. That was scary since it was going to take them at least a minute.

We weren't in a rush though. We had all the time in the world to meet up with Nenechi, although it would be nice if we became a group again.

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