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Calli pov: "Don't look at my photos!" I yelled

"Why not?" Kiara asked

"I don't like it!" I said

"Come on, Calli, you are so cute!" Kiara said

"No, I'm not!" I said

"Yes, you are Calli!" Kiara cooed as she ran over and hugged me tightly.

"Stop it, Kiara," I said softly.

"You are beautiful, so don't say you aren't," Kiara said.

I didn't understand why Kiara was so sweet to me. Why does she think I'm so cute? I don't get it whatsoever. I am not the best person. I am just a reaper.

"What's wrong?" Mama Mori asked

"Uhm....." I said.

"Calli, are you alright?" Sister Reap asked.

For some reason, I began to cry. I didn't know why I was so upset, but I felt the need to cry. Kiara held me tighter, making me stop crying a bit.

"Calli, it's okay..." Kiara said softly

For some reason, her voice had soothed me back down, and I was thinking more clearly. I realized that my brain was thinking of all the people I've killed in the past.

"Kiara, I'm sorry...." I stated

"For what?" She asked

"For killing you so much," I said.

"Look, Calli, I already forgave you, so don't worry." I sighed

"But... aren't you even a little mad?" I asked

"No, Calli, because you tried your best to atone for what you did to me. You were genuinely sorry, and that's what makes me love you more now," Kiara said.

"But what do you like about me?" I asked

"Calli, I love everything about you, but let me start with that pretty pink hair of yours," Kiara stated as she lifted my hair and slightly smelled it.

"C-cute...." I stated

"I also love your voice, Calli; it soothes me all the time and matches your pretty eyes," Kiara said.

"You like my voice and my eyes?" I said

"Yes Calli "I also like your soft hands and your beautifully painted nails," Kiara said.

"Stop being so cute," I told Kiara.

"Why are you falling for me?" Kiara asked

"I already have..." I said

Kiara began to laugh and smile at my reaction to her rant. She kissed my cheek softly and gazed into my eyes longingly.

"You are also cute when you blush," Kiara said.

"Wawa, don't look at me!" I said as I hid my face from her.

Kiara giggled and hugged me once again. "You are so cute!" Kiara said as she planted kisses all over my body.

"Why can't we be like that!?" Irys asked Bae

"That's disgusting, that's why," Bae said.

"No, it's cute!" Irys hissed

"You are disgusting!" Bae said.

"Why don't you two get along?" Sister Reap asked.

"They get along. It's just a lovers quarrel," Mama Mori said.

"Do all couples go through a quarrel?" Sister Reap asked.

"Not necessarily, but some do," Mama Mori said.

"Kiara and I went through one, but we got over it pretty quickly," I said.

"Calli, it was four months..." Kiara said

"Look, that was pretty quick. We had no way to contact one another!" I said

"That's true, I was ignoring you," Kiara said.

I began to laugh. Kiara looked at me and smiled, wondering what I found so funny about her. Her cuteness seeped into me, and I found myself smiling. I didn't get it; all the bad memories in my head drained out as all my memories with her flooded in.

All the good and bad memories I have with her made me happy. I loved her more than even now, when I needed her. I was happy with her.

I was hoping that Kiara could sense my love for her more than ever; she is the light of my world after all, and she is so adorable that I can't get enough of her anymore.

My brain was deteriorating as life went on and my life with Kiara raged on, but I don't want to blame her for any of my mental weaknesses.

She is the reason why I am so happy. I want to be with her as much as possible. I'm not going to allow anyone to steal Wawa from me.

I may not be the best woman for her, but as long as she's happy, I'm happy. But I don't really understand what true happiness is.

Kiara continues to make me happy, but I'm too embarrassed about that to admit it, and I don't want others to see me act this way. Kiara, on the other hand, wants to expose me for this.

I can't believe that Kiara knows how to expose me so well. She knows what makes me tick and what doesn't, so she can subtly ease her way into exposing me to my family and friends.

Mama Mori, Sister Reap, and Bae have learned new things about me that they never knew before.

I was happy that Kiara learned so much about me, but at the same time I wasn't. The happiness overwhelmed the paranoia and made me a lot more humble.

I don't really know what I was feeling most of the time anymore when I'm not with Kiara, which was worrying. Maybe I need to figure out who I am again.

"Calli, look right there! You were so cute!" Kiara said as she looked at one of my baby pictures.

I looked at her, and then the picture suddenly got a thought.

"Maybe I need to look back at my past self and figure out where I am now," I said to myself.

"I'm fine with this now...." I said so much to everyone's surprise.

"Are you sure, Calli?" Kiara asked

"Yes, let's look back and reminisce," I said.

"Remember when you got your head stuck in the banister, Bae?" Mama Mori asked

"Wait, what does that have to do with anything!?" Bae asked

"Nothing, I just thought it was funny," Mama Mori said.

Everyone began to laugh, including Bae. I began to think maybe looking back is a good thing after all.

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