Roaming the Town

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Kiara pov: I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurry but I was able to make out the silhouette of Calli. She was talking to someone on the phone.

"I don't think it's the best time for Kiara to be told this news," Calli worriedly said. I couldn't hear who she was talking to but Calli's concern worried me. "Calli,
who are you talking to?" I grogilly asked,

I gently tapped her to get her attention "Fuck!" Calli screamed as she jumped about a mile. "You scared me, Kiara!" She said, exhaling a bit.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked again. Calli explained it was Reine but didn't tell me why Reine had called,

"Is everything okay? Can I talk to her?" I asked as I watched Calli start to panic, "Yeah, everything is dandy Kiara!" I could tell she was lying.

"Alright if you say so," I said, immediately questioning how my mother was doing. Calli said Choco-sensei had graciously come to tend to her wounds and not to worry about it. Then she asked if I wanted to go out on the town to take my mind off things. I nodded, wanting to calm myself.

Calli and I left, but before I left, I took a good look at my mother. Seeing her not bloodied up made me feel a bit better, but she was still in a coma and probably wouldn't wake up anytime soon. I wanted to know what had happened to her because Temma clearly got his hands on her

"Where to first?" Calli asked, gently kissing me on the cheek. Afterward, I told Calli I was a bit hungry, so she decided we should go get Yakiniku. She took me to her favorite place, and we sat down at the booth waiting for the person to come give us the meat so we could grill it. I gazed at Calli, realizing her beauty as her silky pink hair glistened in the light.

"Calli, you are very beautiful today!" I smiled, making my girlfriend blush. "You're too kind, Kiara!" She said she probably would have kissed me if we weren't sitting across from each other.

"I wonder if Mumei would like this place." I said, immediately noticing Calli's expression had darkened. "Okay, now I know something is wrong, Calli," I said. She rapidly shook her head.

"Nothing is wrong, Kiara, oh look, the meat is here!" Calli nervously placed the slabs onto the grill. I was kind of upset that Calli was hiding something important from me, but I decided not to pry into it because she had to have a reason.

"It smells good," I said as Calli pressed the meat down, making it sizzle. "Kiara, eat all you want, it's on me," she said, making everything seem even more suspicious. She clearly wanted me to forget about that phone call and it had something to do with Mumei.

"Kiara, have I ever told you how much I love you?" Calli said, which was out of character, "Calli, what's going on with Mumei?" I asked Calli just told me nothing was going on and not to worry, which worried me more. That means it is something bad. I didn't even want to think about what happened.

I just took the meat and began eating, knowing I would figure this all out later and everything would be alright. There was no way the worst case scenario happened. Even if I was told Mumei was killed, I wouldn't believe it for a second. There is no way she would leave us behind without saying bye.

"Kiara, is it good?" Calli asked, having been staring at me stuffing my face for probably five minutes. She was acting strangely, and the worst part was that she was terrible at hiding it. I pulled out my phone to call Reine, but Calli snatched it from me before I could do anything.

I sighed as she pocketed my phone. She got meat off the grill for herself to eat since she must have been hungry at this point

I was pretty full because I pretty much ate a full course meal in a matter of seconds, but I'm stressed. I have to release it somehow and eating is my way to relieve myself.

I thought about asking about Bae, but it didn't feel right to ask about her family, despite the fact we will eventually be one big family once we get married. The time didn't seem right since I was still stressed beyond belief.

"We finished up here and Calli paid the bill so we could head to get crepes. "I want a strawberry one," I told Calli. She asked if I wanted to share one. I thought about it and smiled. "I would love to share one, but let's get separate flavors," I said, so we could share each other's.

Calli, can I hold your hand?" I asked. Calli didn't answer. She just immediately gripped my hand and squeezed it tightly. I saw her gulp as she turned to me and opened her mouth.

I have to tell you the truth about the call. I can't keep hiding it from you! Calli blurted out that she was trying not to cry. It was apparently that serious.

"Reine called me earlier and apparently Mumei is dead!" Calli shouted, She expected a sad reaction from me and was shocked when she didn't see it.

"Calli, don't worry, Mumei wouldn't die that easily." I told her I knew how strong my sister was and she wouldn't die if a simple assassin came for her. She must have had a plan. Mumei thinks ahead when it comes to
that stuff.

"But what if she's actually dead?" Calli asked I just smiled. "I can visit Mumei in the underworld whenever I want." I said, Calli slightly smiled. She could take me to see her soul whenever

"That's very optimistic of you, Kiara," Zeta said, walking up to us, "I'm about to tell you something. It's up to you whether or not you trust me." She said,

I glared at her, "I don't know who you are, but go on." I said, knowing she knew something about this that I didn't. I really wanted to hear what she had to say.

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