Alluring Devil

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Subaru pov: "How are you holding up, Luna-tan?" I questioned

"I'm fine, Nanora!" Luna stsred

"Is there anything you want?" I questioned

"Can I pet the lion girl?" Luna-tan asked

"No, I won't let you go near that beast!" I shouted

"But Subaru-senpai!" Luna-tan cried.

"I'm sorry, but I'm getting bad vibes from her..." I stated

"Subaru-senpai, watch out!" Kiara yelled I looked down, noticing that the ground below began to collapse and Luna-tan and I began to fall.

"Hold on!" Botan yelled, dashed after us, and grabbed us in mid-air.

Botan grabbed Luna, telling her to hold onto her before she poked me in the nape of my neck, forcing me to transform into a duck.

"Try to float!" Botan yelled.

I flapped my wings desperately and managed to slow down our descent by a little bit.

"Perfect!" Botan yelled as she grabbed onto me and dived down.

I thought we were going to die. However, I had a certain thought that cats always land on their feet. However, I couldn't stop myself from passing out from my anxiety.

5 minutes later,

I slowly began to open my eyes I realized we landed safely.

"Where are we?" I questioned

"We're in a nearby cave, don't worry. I used to take refuge here, so there was a bed for you to lie on." Botan stated

"Thank goodness Luna-tan is okay..." I said softly.

"Okay, so that's Luna, but who are you?" Botan asked.

"Ah, I'm Subaru..." I said Botan nodded and giggled to herself.

I gazed over and noticed there was another girl in the bed. She sat up and stretched. It didn't take me long to realise that this woman was naked.

"Botan-sama, what are you doing here?" The blonde-haired woman asked as she let out a yawn.

"Choco-sensei, put on some clothes..." Botan sighed as she began to wrap up her leg.

Did she get hurt? I wondered if so. I felt awful. This was my fault for not paying attention to my surroundings. Usually I'm very good at noticing if the ground is stable. My thoughts were cut off as Choco-sensei walked up to me and suddenly hugged me.

"Who is this sexy lady Botan-sama?" The woman cooed.

"Demon, get off of me..."I growled, pushing her off of me.

"That is Subaru, and the pink-haired girl is Luna." Botan explained.

"You reek of desire..." Choco-sensei whispered into my ear seductively.

"Knock it off." Botan sighed as she stood up. She winced a bit but quickly acclimated to her pain.

Choco-sensei walked over to her bed, grabbing a bra, and slowly began to put it on.

"So Botan-sama, I'll ask again, what brings you out here?" Choco-sensei asked

"I'm here because those two fell off the mountainside," Botan stated.

I looked to the ground, embarrassed by this, but Choco-sensei laughed. "Everyone makes mistakes," she stated.

Her tone and everything about this woman seemed sexy, like she was trying to constantly seduce someone. She was really calm and seemed like a caring person. She was really jiggly, to say the least.

"Found something you like, huh?" Choco-sensei said as she noticed my gaze was on her breasts.

"N-no, I was just zoning out!" I yelled

"Don't be shy, I'll let you touch them." Choco-sensei said, calmly and softly.

"I don't want to!" I said, blushing profusely.

"I know you want to Su-Ba-Ru..." Choco-sensei said, whispering into my ear. She made sure to annunciate each syllable of my name as she spoke.

I lifted my arm and reached out just a little bit would be okay, but she suddenly pulled away, licking her lips at the same time.

"You really are cute." She said softly as she pinned me down to the bed.

"Choco-sensei, we really don't have time for this..." Botsn said

"But Botan-sama, I want to taste all of Subaru's desires!" Choco-sensei cried.

"I think you've had enough." Botan sighed She grabbed Choco-sensei and yanked her away from me.

For some reason, my body was hot. It missed her touch. It longed for it. It is what demons do. They lure you in by seducing you, then make you want more. They truly are despicable beings.

"I need water!" I cried out, looking around frantically.

Choco-sensei smiled as she pulled out a bottle of water, "is this what you want darling?" She asked

"Yes!" I stated quickly, but then a thought passed through my head. I really wanted to kiss her.

"Oh you want to kiss me seriously?" Choco-sensei asked as she licked her lips again.

She screwed open the water bottle and poured some water into her mouth I watched as the liquid slowly emptied out of the bottle and took refuge in her mouth. She removed the bottle from her mouth and slowly walked towards me until we were mere inches away.

She lowered her head more until our lips connected. I felt as if I was in a trance as I slowly swallowed the water being given to me.

This devil was trying to make me into her woman and I was letting her do so. I wanted more. I reached up to grab her and pull her closer, but she grabbed onto me first, pulling me deeper into the kiss before suddenly pushing me away.

"Delicious..." Choco-sensei stated deviously

"You fell for her this quick..." Botan said she was giggling, but I also felt unamusment from her.

"Can we kiss again?" I questioned

"How cute..." She thought about it a bit before lifting my chin so I could look deep into her eyes "Maybe later..." She started kissing me on the forehead.

"Do you have enough energy?" Botan asked Choco-sensei

"Yes, I do now; by the way, how long was I asleep?" Choco-sensei asked.

"Six days," Botan said.

"Well then, thank you for bringing such a beautiful lady..." Choco-sensei stated

"That was never my intention," Botan stated as she rummaged through a drawer, grabbing ammo from it.

"So why are you two living together?" I questioned

"Well, she just showed up one day..." Botan stated

"Wait a minute, you feast on desires, right?" "Botan doesn't seem to want you, does she?"

Choco-sensei nodded, but she commented on how I was half right.

"I do feast on desires, but I get more saturation from people that desire me rather than someone else." Choco-sensei explained.

So basically, I was her feasting grounds now and I completely fell for her. I guess we were going to have to work together for the time being until Luna-tan and I returned to the group.

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