Keeping A Promise

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Moona pov:I felt the tension in the air rise as I stared at Shachou frolicking around. I tried to call out to her but no words came out. I was too nervous to call her name again. I didn't deserve to, but Risu grabbed my hand reassuring me everything would be alright.

"Shachou!" I called out, getting the girl's attention. She looked happy as she saw me. I didn't understand why. "Hey Moona!" She said, running up to me and putting me into a tight embrace. I felt sick to my stomach with guilt. I didn't get how she wasn't mad at me.

"I missed you so much, Moona!" Pekora said tears streamed down my face and I bit my lip. "How can you say that, Shachou?" I asked, breaking down,

"I care about you." She told me, but that made me cry even more. I broke our promise, but she seemed to have forgotten about it. I don't get how simple she was.

"I abandoned you!" I yelled, "I don't remember it like that." Pekora cocked her head to the side, perplexed. "I don't remember it like that." Memories from that time flashed through my mind suddenly as her words resonated within me.


"Shachou, today is the day Iofi, Risu, and I split up!" I cried, sitting on the old tree stump next to her as usual. She nodded in understanding since she had split up with her friends.

"You will miss them but you have me peko," she happily stated. I sighed slightly, growling as I felt a breeze brush against me. Iofi didn't say goodbye to me or Risu before she left. It was as if she was happy to leave us behind. She had no regrets about abandoning us.

"I honestly feel content with them parting, but I feel as if it was my fault we are drifting away." I said, looking at Pekora solemnly,

"Like I said, you'll have me to lean on peko!" She said, not realizing I'd have to leave her as well because council was a job I had to do around the clock.

"Shachou, I think we should part ways here actually. " I told her, despite knowing her my whole life, I had to leave her. I had to leave her all alone, breaking my promise.
"What do you mean, peko?" She asked why I couldn't look her in the eyes as my eyes started to water.

She slapped me across the face, forcing me to look at her and face her directly. She wasn't about to let me leave without talking to her one last time. I felt my cheek feeling the slight sting from where she slapped me.

"Moona, even when we are apart, you will still be my friend forever. You will be my guiding light, Peko. " Pekora said, clasping my hand tightly.

I couldn't help but cry as Shachou said those words to me. She always knew what to say to me since we've been together pretty much our entire lives. I couldn't imagine one day without her.

"I love you, Shachou!" I yelled as I covered my eyes, trying to cut off the stream of tears flowing rapidly down my face.
She laughed, looking at me with a peaceful expression.

"Promise me if you ever come back that you will still love me peko," Pekora said. I nodded, promising her before taking my leave to the council.

End of flashback...

Thinking about it, our departure wasn't as toxic as I had remembered. I thought we had argued and fought, only to leave a bitter relationship, but it was the opposite. Our relationship was still filled with love. I looked at the bunny girl blushing as I remembered the promise I had made her.

I still loved her immensely, but I was so scared that she hated me over a false memory that I beat myself up over it.
Shachou had no malice towards me like I had expected. She even still came here despite being all alone. I didn't understand her, but I was happy.

"Do you two want some alone time?" I shook my head before tightly hugging Pekora. She was so warm I couldn't believe it. The atmosphere was as comforting as it was back then, maybe even more.

"I love you, Peko." I couldn't handle her cuteness. She hugged me back. I really did miss her so much.

"I love you too, Shachou." I whispered, nuzzling into her, letting myself feel her entire essence.

I wanted to show her how much I loved her but I didn't know how. Despite living together for so long, I didn't know how to show my affection to Pekora. The only romantic encounter I had was with Iofi. However, that didn't end well. We never ended up getting together in the end and I didn't want to make the same mistake with Pekora.

She and I were close and clearly loved each other, but I can't tell if it is romantic or not. I'm confused by my emotions. I never know how I feel about something.

"You two keep staring at each other and you're not talking. Are you alright?" Risu asked.

I honestly didn't know since my emotions were all over the place. I truly didn't understand my true feelings. I didn't get what love was. Reine and Mumei seemed to have found love, but I haven't.

"I really don't want to lose you again, Shachou!" I cried. Seeing her smile at me gave me life. I was too happy with her, more happy than I should have been, but I was. She really was the sun that brightened my day. She saved me from my darkness.

"Shachou, promise me you won't leave me!" I whined like a child. She smiled at me again.

"Hey Moona, promise me something" she said. I asked her what she wanted before she leaned in, encapsulating our lips together, pulling away shortly after, "Promise you will love me always" she said.

I looked at her and smiled softly that was a promise I was happy to keep.

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