Plummeting to the Heavens

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Calli pov: There was a knock on the door, so I got up and opened it, and there stood Towa-sama.

"Eh, what are you doing here, Towa-sama?" I asked

"I'm here just to say that Kiara ended up at my place again somehow and she dropped this so I need you to give it back," Towa said.

"Oh, that's her..." I paused because I didn't want Kobo and Clara to hear what that was.

"That's her what?" Towa-sama asked

"N-nothing, please, since you're here, let's have some tea," I said.

"Sure," Towa-senapi said as she walked in.

"Mom!?" Irys was shocked by the arrival of the devil.

"Sorry, I'll only be here for a little bit." Towa-sama said calmly

"Do any of you feel a little off?" Bae asked

"Yeah, I'm sweating a little bit," Irys commented.

"You feel it too then?" Bae said

"That depends. Is it an uneasy feeling?" Irys asked

"Yup," Bae said.

"If you are going to throw up, don't do it in here...." Sister Reap said

"We aren't going to throw up," Bae and Irys said in unison.

"Whatever you say," Sister Reap sighed.

"Bae, there should be a doctor in the room if it's an upset stomach," Mama Mori said.

"It's not an upset tummy..." Bae said

"Well, what else could it be?" I asked

"I don't know," Bae said.

"Huh, odd, I lost phone service...." Sister Reap said

"So did I," Mama Mori sighed.

"Let me see if I have," I said as I tried to call Kiara. The call went through, but no one picked up.

"I have service, and actually, it's full bars too." Towa-sama commented

"So do I?" Irys said she was questioning it a little bit.

"Wait, hasn't it gotten a lot cooler?" I asked as I noticed the temperature dropping.

"Now that you mention it, it's a bit chilly. " Mama Mori said

"It's pretty warm," Irys said.

"Warm? "I'd say cold," I said.

"Do you feel a sudden breeze?" Sister Reap was questioned

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Uhm C-calli...." Bae said in horror.

"What?" I asked.

"We're falling!" Bae yelled

"So many clouds..." Sister Reap commented.

Mama Mori quickly grabbed my sister to protect her from the fall, but the rest of us couldn't reach one another.

As we passed a certain point, a siren began to blare "warning devils spotted." It went as we fell

A storm of arrows were shot up and were about to hit Bae, so Irys mustered all of her strength and managed to fly at Bae, hugging her and shielding her from the arrows, which all pierced Irys, causing blood to spill out of her.

"Irys!" Towa and Bae screamed as the girl passed out, making her grip on Bae loose enough that she began to fall again.

"Damn it, no!" Bae cried, barely catching Irys by the leg. The jolt shot the woman awake as she noticed an arrow almost hitting Bae's head. She kicked, detaching the foot Bae had from her grasp, and quickly blocked it.

Bae made herself fall more so she could hold Irys in a more tight embrace. We began to see a civilization begin to form as it came into view, but we were still a long fall away from hitting the ground.

More arrows shot up at Irys and Towa-sama, who managed to block them. She saw her daughter in peril once again and flew in, grabbing both Irys and Bae and shielding them from the arrows.

The three girls began to fall apart for some reason; for some reason, both Irys and Towa-sama weren't conscious and Bae was.

I summoned Ricky and reached out, getting ahold of Bae's clothes and yanking her towards me.

"Hold onto me and turn into your rat form!" I ordered

She did so and held onto me for dear life. I then ordered her to climb into my clothes, and she did it without a second thought.

I knew Mama Mori would be fine, so I dove towards Irys and Towa-sama.

"C-calli...." Irys mumbled softly as she woke up.

"Grab onto my hand!" I screamed as I reached out

She grabbed my hand, and I managed to steady us. I noticed soon that Irys had grabbed Towa-sama too.

"Phew, we're safe," I sighed.

Suddenly an arrow shot out and hit my arm, severing it entirely.

"Fuck!" I cursed not because I was in pain but because Irys was now veering to the right at a fast pace.

"Calli your arm!" Bae yelled

"That's not important; all that's important is that we somehow protect Irys and Towa-sama!" I yelled

It was too late. I had to choose between saving myself or Irys and Towa-sama since Mama Mori caught herself on a sign.

"Damn....." I growled

I was shocked to see someone fly in and grab both Towa-sama and Irys. I thought they would lower them down to the ground, but they didn't instead they flew away.

Knowing that they would at least be okay filled me with relief, so I stuck Ricky into the wall of a nearby building and skidded down the wall, lowering myself to the ground.

I looked up and saw Mama Mori lower herself and Sister Reap to the ground as well.

"Where are we?" I asked

"No idea..." Mama Mori said.

"Uhm, Calli, your arm..." Bae said

"Don't worry, I'll regenerate eventually." I laughed while waving the rest of my left arm.

"We should find a place to take refuge," Sister Reap said.

"Irys and Towa-sama were taken by someone," I said.

"Don't worry about them right now. We need to know where we are...."

"There is a huge sign up there!" I said

"That's why this place was so familiar..." Mama Mori sighed.

"Where are we?" I asked

"The very heavens themselves," Mama Mori

"Well, how the hell did we get here without a gate?" I asked

"Well, the weird feeling I had is gone," Bae said.

"Wait, if this is a whole council thing, then Kiara is..." I interrupted my thoughts quickly.

I'm not going to think of the worst-case scenario. I'm going to think of the here and now.

"Wait, where are Clara and Kobo!?" I yelled as I looked around frantically.

"I didn't see them falling with us." Bae and Sister Reap said

"I did; they were whisked away by a dragon-like girl," Mama Mori said.

My eyes widened in horror; maybe I should think of the worst-case scenario.

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