Meeting Her "Family"

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Calli pov: The two girls stared at me. I could tell they had heard things about me, probably not good things since Kiara and I weren't on the best of terms until recently, but I could tell Kiara could rely on them. "T-thank you!" I bowed in front of them, and they just stared at me, perplexed as to why I had just thanked them.

"Thank you for taking care of Kiara all this time." I blurted out that I was truly grateful that they took Kiara in. Even if it was Mumei's idea, they still looked after her, keeping her safe.

"It's no worry, we will take in any bird regardless of their past," Subaru said, smiling.

"I'm assuming you all had it rough." Kiara put her finger to her mouth, shushing me, and I immediately covered my mouth, realizing I had said something I shouldn't have.

Kiara just sighed and began to speak.
"Subaru over there was exiled from a kingdom. She was framed for killing the Queen and for the attempted murder of the princess Himemori Luna." Kiara said. She next pointed at Lui.

"Lui's parents were killed by poachers." Kiara said, making me feel sick to my stomach. For some reason, I didn't like hearing about death anymore.

Reine and Mumei are different stories. Those two are unlike the rest of us. They haven't overcome their trauma; they let their pasts shape who they are today. " Kiara said, sitting on the nearby couch.
I couldn't begin to imagine how much those two had suffered. They must have really had it rough.

"Calli, when you're around Mumei, never mention the nobles; when you're around Reine, never look at her back." I didn't understand why, but I just trusted her.

I really wanted to change the subject I felt bad for opening their old wounds

"Calli, how do you feel hearing that Ollie is now your mother and Irys is now your sister?" Kiara asked.

"I was shocked. I isolated myself for four months and everything seemed to change. I don't really know what's going on in the outside world anymore." I told her she just nodded,"

"I suppose it's better if some things are left as a mystery. No need to get into the world's politics. That's the council's job after all." Kiara groaned, "although I wish Mumei would let us handle some of her burden since we're sisters after all." Kiara sighed, knowing she couldn't do much to help.

"I've been feeling the same way about Bae; I feel as if I don't know anything about her; I didn't even know she was interested in love or that she was in council until today."

"Calli, you're the Grim Reaper's first apprentice, right?" Subaru asked. I could tell her voice was filled with skepticism. She wasn't ready to trust me. I just said yes, hoping her trust in me wouldn't dip more.

"You've spilt Kiara's blood so much and you expect us to believe you want to ditch that lifestyle and start anew with her." Subaru continued: I could tell Lui agreed with her statements; I did too, on some level.

"You don't have to trust me. All that matters is if Kiara places her trust in me. I agree, I am a terrible person. I hate myself for things I've done in the past. I regret them. I want to make things different, and not just with Kiara!" I bodly stated the two girls were just staring at me.

"What else do you want to change?" Lui asked I didn't know if it was my place to say this but I decided that more people should know

It's about Irys's parents, her two mothers, Amane Kanata and Tokoyami Towa. It's a taboo relationship between an angel and a devil made even worse because the Aether and the Underworld are at war currently." I told them I could tell the thought of war resonated with Subaru.

"I actually can't forgive the underworld. If I could kill those fuckers, I would." I growled I tried to hold back my bloodlust so I didn't scare Subaru or Lui

"Mumei-senpai is trying to end all conflict between all the realms although that isn't an easy task" Lui sighed while she went to the fridge and pulled out a water pitcher.

"Peace will never happen there will always be a reason to have hate" Kiara said I could tell she didn't want that to be the case

"Maybe we can change that together Kiara" I said smiling trying to ease her she just smiled back softly "I would like that" she told me I couldn't help but pull her into a hug

Subaru stood up and walked into their tiny kitchen. "Calli, since you're here, I'll make you dinner. Would you prefer nikujaga or curry rice? " I shrugged, "Either or is fine, I'm okay with both." I told her the girl thought about and decided to go with curry rice

The four of us talked amongst ourselves while Subaru cooked the rice and curry. I could tell the two girls were starting to open up to me, which made me happy. When the food was done, Subaru set some aside for when Mumei and Riene arrived home. She set the table before sitting down and we began to eat, never stopping our conversations.

We heard a knock at the door Subaru told Kiara to open it she didn't argue and got up to open the door moments later we heard a scream we looked back at Kiara "M-mother..." She said in pure shock in confusion

"K-k-kiara, thank the gods you are safe..." The woman barely managed to choke out. She was riddled with arrows with a gashes all over her body. She had a head wound that was sputtering blood. She was clearly struck by a blunt object. She was a Phoenix, so we had little to worry about, but it was still a horrifying sight to bear.

The woman fell forward, revealing her back. A huge portion of her clothes were seared off, a giant crimson flower with 20 petals could be seen in the center. Numbers were written inside it. The numbers were 103179. All around it were burns and smaller but still really deep cuts and bruises were all over her body. I went to check her pulse. There was one but very faint.

"Mumei, Riene, not another one!" Kiara choked out over her tears. "So I wasn't really abandoned after all," she said, putting her hand to her face trying to wipe her tears. "Damn it all, damn this fucking world!" She screamed

I didn't understand what she meant by all that but it went up to her and put her in a tight embrace "It's okay darling I'm here for you " I whispered trying to soothe her I felt her gently wrap her arms around me feeling her quivering against my body

I heard Subaru yell to Lui to bring her to the couch and lie her down she was going to call Choco-sen to check her out and tebd to all her injuries. I was a bit relieved knowing Choco-sensei would be looking after her but I was still worried about Kiara

"Babe don't worry it'll get you nowhere I'll protect you" I placed a chaste kiss on her forehead and gently wiped her tears "I'll be here for you forever" I told her letting her burying her head in my chest her sharp breaths tickled a bit but I delt with it

"It's not fair, Calli. Why do people have to suffer?" Kiara cried, her eyes slightly peeking up at me. I slightly lifted her chin and pecked her lips. "I don't know Kiara" I told her.

I suddenly felt our lips connect. She wrapped her arms around me to pull me closer. "K-kiara" I barely managed to say, getting muffled by her lips. I could tell she was confused. She didn't know how to feel. I pushed her away, not looking at her.

I immediately changed my mind. I pulled her into another kiss, this one short and sweet. "Kiara, let's go wait in your room," I said softly, not wanting her to keep worrying about her mother's state. I gently held her hand and let her lead me to her room. She got into her bed. I soon followed, gently cuddling her, making sure she felt safe. I gazed at Kiara, who now had her eyes closed.

I just hoped things would get better soon...

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