Space and Time

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Kronii pov: "Hey Sana, can I talk to you?" I asked

"Y-yeah why?" Sana asked

"I just want to ask something," I stated.

"Sure, Ina, stay here for a minute," Sana said.

"You got it," Ina said.

I began to walk into my room, and Sana followed. As soon as she entered the room, I pushed the door shut and locked it.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Sana asked

"I want power," I said.

"What do you mean?" Sana asked

"I need power," I stated as I took my blades out.

"You want a fight, huh?" Sana sighed

"No, I want you to surrender space to me," I said.

"What is up with you, Kronini?" Sana asked

I didn't answer. I just ran up to her and jerked my arm upwards, trying to slash her, but she dodged, kicking my arm and knocking the tic out of my arm. I went to slice her with the toc, but she ducked under it, kicking me away from her.

"Damn it!" I growled as I rolled into a wall.

Sana jumped into the air and kicked at me, her foot plowing through the wall, which must have hurt since she is barefoot.

"Sana!" I yelled, "Jab toc!" at her. She bent down before the blade could hit her in the face and kicked my arm once again.

I watched as torches flew into the air. Sana jumped up and grabbed it, throwing it at me. I felt it slice my shoulder as it zoomed past me.

"Fu-" I was about to swear in agony but was cut off by Sana as she slammed down on me with a drop kick.

Somehow Sana was stronger than me, but that should be impossible. I'm time I should be losing to a weak concept like space. Mumei would be so disappointed in me if I lose.

"What is this about Kronini?" Sana asked

"None of your business!" I yelled as I shot up and tried to punch her, getting kicked away again.

"Did you realize that you aren't as great as you think you are?" Sana asked

"S-shut up!" I yelled as I grabbed toc and ran, grabbing tic, before repeatedly slashing at her.

"Are you afraid Memei will just decide she likes Faufau?" Sana asked

"Uraaah!" I yelled in frustration that I couldn't put her down.

"You can't beat me." "Kronini you never have and you will never be able to as long as you think you're the best," Sana said.

"Stop lecturing me, damn it!" I screamed as I ran at her, trying to end this with one strike.

"Stop acting like an idiot!" Sana yelled back as she sprinted at me. She suddenly appeared in front of me as if she had teleported, and she kicked me in the stomach.

I curled over, feeling the urge to throw up. Sana stood above me, waiting for me to recover.

"Just let me take your power!" I yelled, trying to slash her, but she backstepped, dodging with ease.

"You don't really want the power," Sana said.

"Yes, I do!" I yelled at her for doing a quick downward slash.

"You are a horrid liar...." Sana scoffed as she disarmed me and slashed me with my own weapons.

"I won't let you win. I'm too perfect to lose!" I coughed

"That's not true. You are far from perfect." Sana stated

"Don't mock me!" I yelled

"Kronini, you need to understand that no one is perfect, not even Faufau or Meimei," Sana said.

"You think that'll make me yell!" I scoffed, upset that she would think that.

"I hoped it would..." Sana sighed

She grew a bit bigger before slamming into me. She was way too strong. I didn't know she had grown since the last time we battled. What have I been doing for the past years? Was I growing soft?

"You are doubting your strength," Sana stated.

"No I'm not...." I growled

"You clearly are," Sana said.

"Damn it!" I yelled as I tried to punch her, but she caught my arm.

"You haven't grown soft." Sana stated as she threw me against the wall.

"Then what happened to me!?" I yelled as I slammed into the ground.

"You just don't know how to use your power," Sana said.

"How should I use it then, huh?" I asked

"Protect Meimei and Faufau," Sana stated.

"How do I do that!?" I asked

Sana smiled at me gently and gazed at me with a loving smile.

"You treat them with care, and the ones that oppose them with all your might," Sana said.

"Protect," I said quietly.

This is the first time I've ever heard those words; usually, I don't want to protect anyone other than the beautiful woman I see in the mirror, but then it hit me.

I'm too focused on myself. I'm too vain. I'm not perfect, but I can try to be. If I keep looking at this like I'm already strong, I won't gain power. I won't grow like Sana has, not that it'd even be possible for her to grow.

"Thanks, Sana," I said as I suddenly winced in pain.

"Eh!?" Sana said as she realized my injuries had caught up to me.

"Blughhhh!" The I made as her blow to the stomach finally caught up with me.

"Not on my feet, Kronini!" Sana yelled as she began to float.

"S-sorry..." I hiccuped as I wiped my mouth.

"Let's get you fixed up!" Sana said

"No, I can't rewind my body," I said.

"You got it," Sana said.

"Is everyone okay!?" Ina asked

"Yeah, we just talked about bread!" Sana yelled, covering for me in the process.

"Thank you..." I said

Sana looked at me and began to laugh at me.

"What's so funny... I asked, unamused by her sudden outburst toward me.

"I actually have a question to ask you, and it is really important!" Sana said

"What is it?" I asked, wondering deep down what it could be.

"What is having two wives like for you?" Sana asked

I began to laugh as I opened my mouth to begin speaking.

"Let me tell you how I feel," I said, finally opening up to her.

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