Back to our Roots

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Fauna pov: Mumei was more excitable today than usual, which was odd to me. She never was serious, but she was way too laid back. I didn't get why she was being so adorable today.

"Fauna look!" Mumei giggled

I looked over and saw her birds had perched on her and flew around her, not wanting to leave her side. She truly was one with nature, which was me.

I began to think that being with her was giving her more power because she seemed to be able to control nature to some extent-not that I mind since civilization and nature are close and one needs the other.

Mumei seemed happy, which made me happy since she was smiling a lot. "Mumei, we still have time. What do you want to do?" I asked

"Let's look at plants," Mumei said.

"You want to look at flowers?" I said I was confused.

"Yeah, do you have an issue with that?" Mumei asked

"No, of course not, I'm just a little shocked, that's all," I said.

Mumei looked at me confused. She tilted her head, wondering what was wrong with me. I shook it off and followed her into the local flower shop.

"These roses are cute," Mumei said.

"Do you want them?" I asked

Mumei nodded rapidly. I smirked and gently picked them up, buying them for her. She grabbed onto them immediately and held them close to her chest.

"I want to be together with nature forever," Mumei stated.

"E-eh!?" I was shocked by her sudden words; she wants to be with nature forever, and last I checked, I am nature-well, more specifically, the keeper of nature, but still nature nonetheless.

Mumei just confessed to me. I'm one of her wives and shouldn't be freaking out, but she is just so cute. I don't get it. Why is she so cute?

"Mumei, what are you doing?" I asked

"Smelling the flowers," she said.

"They smell like you," Mumei stated.

She walked over to me softly, picking up a strand of hair and pulling it close to her. She smelled it. "Actually, you smell better," Mumei said softly.

My head was spinning. She really flustered me with her words. I didn't know what to say.

"M-mumei, you need to stop being so cute!" I said

Mumei reached down and grabbed my hand. "We still have time. Let's do more stuff," Mumei said.

We continued to walk until we came across an animal shop. "I want an animal!" Mumei said

My heart skipped a beat. I really wanted to get her an animal, but I didn't know where we would put one if it was in council. We couldn't let it roam around since it's so dangerous, and apparently there are rabbit holes.

There was a sound of a balloon popping, which made Mumei jump and say, "Ahhh!" She yelled In fear

I pulled her into a hug and gently petted her to soothe her. "Honey, it's alright," I whispered, gently kissing her on the forehead.

Mumei was so high and mighty, and yet I forgot she was afraid of balloons popping. She is the guardian of civilization and the vessel of an omnipotent deity.

Mumei was really funny, although I didn't want to make fun of her for being afraid of balloons popping since it is so cute.

"Whoever invented balloons is a demon right up there with the inventor of the printer!" Mumei hissed

"Why do you hate printers so much?" I asked

"They are just weird machines, and they yell at you!" Mumei growled

"Microwaves do that!" I stated Mumei shook her head in disagreement.

"Microwaves beep, so do ovens; meanwhile, printers yell," Mumei sighed.

Times like this make me so happy that civilization and nature can coexist; usually I don't care for civilization besides Mumei, but at this moment she is warming my heart and nothing has happened to aggravate me.

"I like the fresh air," Mumei said.

"Sana and I technically worked on that together," I stated.

"Cute Sanana and cute Faunana," Mumei giggled, making my heart skip a beat.

I couldn't believe my ears: that nickname is so cute, even if it is just a repurposed version of Sana's nickname.

"Fauna, can we watch the sunset together later?" Mumei asked

"Y-yes!" I blurted out that it sounded so romantic that I would invite Kronii, but it seems that Mumei wants to focus on me right now.

"Mumei, do you want to invite Kronii?" I asked anyway.

"Uhm... no, not this time," Mumei said.

It was as I thought she only wanted to see me for some reason, even though Kronii is probably way more affectionate towards her.

"Fauna, that's a lie!" Mumei said as she reached my mind.

"But I just tell people you are mine forever," I said.

"That's not true. You took me in and fed me and let me sleep in the same bed as you and other stuff," Mumei stated.

"But then what?" I asked

"You hugged me, telling me to be brave whenever I was scared," Mumei stated.

I was shocked by this. I tried to remember when she possibly could have been scared, but nothing came to mind. She seemed pretty adamant that I saved her, though, so I have to believe her and see this from her perspective.

I began to think like Mumei and realized that I probably did make a big impression on her.

"Mumei, doesn't Kronii have a bigger influence on you than Mom?" I asked

"Nature is not what lets civilization prosper; it gives us food resources, you name it," Mumei said.

"You are giving me too much credit," I said.

Mumei shook her head and hugged me tightly.

"You aren't giving yourself enough credit," Mumei said.

We began bickering back and forth about who was right about this until eventually Mumei had enough. She glared at me before crashing our lips together and quickly pulling away soon after.

"Let's go to the restaurant," she cheerfully said.

I smiled yet again. Mumei was relying on me once more.

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