Zombie's Fear

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Ollie pov: Kiara got off the phone with Calli sighing a little bit and looking at the two of us smiling a bit.

"Calli needs you, Bae, but she needs Ollie to stay here for something," Kiara stated.

"Why does she want me here? I want to be part of the action too!" I said. Kiara shook her head.

"Your job is important. In order to fix the portal, we need to go underground and gather a radioactive substance. Since you're a zombie, you'll be able to grab it without worrying," Kiara explained.

"Well, what happens if it doesn't work?" I

"That's what rushia is for," she said.

"Okay Mom, you and Kiara do that. I'll get Calli then," Bae said as she got the coordinates from Kiara. As soon as Bae left, Kiara sighed again.

"I actually lied that Calli doesn't need Bae." Kiara said.

"Why did you lie then?" I queried.

"You can't sense it. Omegaα's presence is within Rushia. She would have died..." Kiara said, poking me on the nose.

"Wow, that was close then..." I said, realizing I was holding her the whole time. Then I thought about it being Bae being controlled. Is that why she had me hold Rushia to dispose of me

"Omegaα is willing to go to any length to get rid of Council, so she isn't afraid to stoop this low," Kiara grumbled as she opened the basement door.

"Ollie by the way Reine wanted me to tell you to come back safel. Youu two can hang out once you return" Kiara said

I began to smile, so I was making an impression on her after all. Since she wants to see me again, I feel like I am one step closer to wooing her. A beautiful woman like her couldn't believe it.

"Alright, let's go Kiara!" I said, getting a new motivation. Kiara chuckled a bit.

"I guess this is what love does to you," she giggled while beginning her descent down the stairs.

The basement was well lit and there were crystals all over. Kiara went over to a secret passageway and opened it, revealing a mine. I assumed this is where we had to be, so we had to look around for a bit to find the ore we needed.

"Ollie, make sure not to fall in any holes, okay?" Kiara asked. I nodded. I wanted to go about this slowly since this cave was big

Kiara assisted me as there were some gaps we couldn't get through without flying, and I realized how normal Kiara was and why Calli missed her so much; Kiara was dependable.

"You're pretty light, Ollie." Kiara stated she probably was used to lifting living things and not someone that was undead, but I took this as a compliment.

"Kiara, why do you want to protect Mumei?" I asked out of the blue.

"Don't you always want to protect your younger siblings?" She asked

"Mumei isn't blood related though, and she tried to kill you," I said Kiara just laughed it off.

"Even if she tries to put me down, I won't hurt her. I will love her till the end," Kiara stated.

That's how I felt with Astel. Even though he is a criminal, I couldn't just leave him. I had to try to protect him. Kiara really was understanding me well.

"We can't change our lives but we can always change someone else's. If I treated Mumei differently, then maybe she would have killed us all," Kiara said.

"I agree you are right about the same with Astel." I sighed.

"You're the younger sibling, but that doesn't mean you haven't influenced him," Kiara stated.

"That was right, he only joined the imperials to revive me, but I didn't want to become Oliva, the frail little girl that my parents hated. Even now, I still feel like I'm resented by the people around me." I sighed

"Ollie, don't think you are hated because everyone here loves you, even Calli," Kiara said.

"You really think so?" I said, on the verge of tears.

"I do, Ollie I didn't know you when you were Olivia, but I'm sure you were just as lovable. " Kiara stated

"Are you only saying this because I'm your future mother-in-law?" I asked.

"Nobody needs a reason to tell someone they love you!" Kiara shouted, her words piercing my heart.

"You really mean this?" I asked again.

"I do think everyone has a purpose and yours is greatness," Kiara said.

I had to collect a few ores then put them in the bag Kiara has so the radioactiveness doesn't seep out. I didn't think it would seep into my skin because my body can't absorb things like that, but I didn't want to touch Kiara after just in case.

"Ollie, we have to do this quickly before the others get back," Kiara stated.

"Prepare, I'm going to throw you," Kiara suddenly said frantically as she shifted to human form and we began to plummet.

"Wait, aren't you going to get hurt!?" I questioned.

"Don't worry about me, just go!" Kiara yelled as she spun around, throwing me with all her might.

"Kiara!" I screamed as she fell out of sight. "Where did you go?" I asked as she disappeared into thin air.

"Kiara, this isn't funny!" I yelled, to no answer.

"Kiara, come one answer me!" I screamed. Suddenly, the ceiling began to cave in where Kiara fell. Despite being a zombie, she felt the urge to throw up. There was no way anyone could survive that.

"Damn creature..." a familiar voice stated, coming out of the shadows.

"No way, Astel...." I said, turning to see my brother.

"She didn't do anything to you!" I yelled. He just scoffed.

"No, you're not Astel; you're an embodiment of my fears, huh?" I inquired.

"You got it, Olivia!" he chuckled.

"I won't fall for this bullshit!" I yelled, standing up.

I was holding this burden within myself. I thought I would be loved by everyone and put up this facade, but in reality I was hurting people. I was a prisoner to my thoughts.

People belittled me, acting like I wasn't strong, like I couldn't do anything. Bae thought I was in the way. Well screw her damn it! I was just the pawn but wanted to be the queen no the thing beyond that.

I wanted the checkmate, but my weakness prevented me from achieving it. "Kiara, just wait for me..." I said as I stood back up.

It was time to end this once and for all...

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