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Kiara pov: As I hung up my call with Calli, I had a feeling of dread. I missed her so much. There was nothing I could do about that, though.

This has to be how Mumei feels about Fauna right now. I kind of feel bad for laughing at her before because now I'm lovestruck.

"Reine, how do you cope with missing Ollie?" I asked.

"Bold to assume I miss Ollie ever," Reine laughed.

"Well, do you?" I asked.

"No..." Reine said

"I know you do!" I said.

"Of course I don't; I literally just saw her!" Reine stated.

"Why do you ask?" Mumei said.

"No reason," I stated.

"You miss Calli, don't you?" Mumei asked.

"No, why would I miss a vulgar woman like her!?" I asked.

Reine and Mumei glared at my finger and began to laugh.

"You are wearing the ring she proposed with," they snickered.

"Eeek!" I screeched as I hid my hand.

"You can't hide this from us," Reine laughed.

"You two are terrible...." I sighed.

"Don't be rude!" Mumei said.

"Why would you miss someone like Calli?" Reine scoffed.

"Hey, Calli is gentle and kind; she is a klutz, but it's cute, and her pink hair is pretty too," I said.

"Ehhhh!" Reine and Mumei laughed as I realized what she did.

"What!" I yelled as they ran away from me. I chased after them, faking my anger.

How dare they trick me like that and make me tell them my feelings? How despicable! I couldn't believe that they did the same thing we did to Mumei.

"Why are you mad, Kiara?" Mumei asked.

"You tricked me!" I yelled.

"And so what?" Reine said.

"I'm going to punt you!" I yelled.

"You are going to what?" Mumei asked in confusion.

"I'm going to punt you, as in kick your ass!" I yelled.

"Isn't that a little violent?" Mumei asked.

"Yes, it is, so come back here, you little shit!" I yelled.

"Yeah, fuck that," Mumei said.

"Woah!" Reine and I said in shock.

"What?" Mumei said, perplexed by our surprise.

"You said fuck!" I said.

"To be fair, Mumei-senpai is a fucking adult," Zeta said.

"I forgot you were here," I said, looking at Zeta.

"I know neither of us nor Kaela have spoken in a while!" the other Zeta said.

"Any reason as to why?" I asked.

"I don't know," both Zeta and Kaela said.

"We weren't focused on you three at all," Mumei said.

"Mumei-senpai, but aren't we here to send the other me back home?" Zeta asked.

"Yeah, also so we can hunt down Hoshimachi Suisei," Mumei said.

"Wait, but that's the secondary thing, right, Mumei-senpai?" Zeta asked.

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