Deeper In The Rabbit Hole

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Moona pov: "You say you saw a ghost?" Kiara said skeptically that there would be no reason for a ghost to be down here and why would it haunt those three?

"Are you sure it wasn't a rat?" Pekora asked.

"No, it wasn't a rat," said the Marine.

The only rat here was Bae. Mumei had made sure of the total extinction of any other rat in the vicinity that wasn't Bae I don't know why she did that. Maybe because she didn't want to mistake Bae for the other rats.

"I have seen a lot of glass all around here," Flare said.

"I don't know where it came from," Noel stated.

"Probably from Iofi's spaceship..." I said under my breath.

Maybe Iofi was the ghost. Then again, it didn't seem like her ship was being lived in. It had to have crashed recently but she was nowhere to be found.

"Let's look around Shachou and Kiara. Can you bring those three to the surface?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure," Kiara sighed as she began to lead the three girls to the surface.

I wanted to completely figure out these tunnels I didn't want to pass over any info now that I knew Iofi was here, or possibly was here. I couldn't leave without checking for anything else around.

"Shachou, so you think it's possible to live
down here?" I asked.

"Yes, it is, however, hard to say if a human could survive," she stated.

That didn't leave out aliens, but still, Iofi still had basic human needs and wants, so she still needed to eat and drink things, so I don't know how she would have been living down here if she wasn't

I assumed Iofi had some rations and water, so I think she could survive, but the question was how did her ship get so far under the ground?

I couldn't make sense of this. Iofi had to be near her ship. Maybe she was trying to repair it, but then why did she come here? Was she possibly seeking help? Was she looking for me?

"Hey Moona, I found something!" Pekora shouted

"What is it, Shachou?" I asked. I looked down, seeing a paintbrush on the ground. This was definitely Iofi's.

This sealed the deal. She is either still here or she was here at one point, but that gave me a sense of relief but also dread. She could be okay but at the same time she could be dead. For all I know, her stuff was scattered around a random rabbit hole.

Maybe Iofi went deeper in, but I didn't want to check since it may be dark the further we went down there and I could tell it was a tighter squeeze on the way down.

"Shachou, can you dig this hole a lot bigger?" I asked. She nodded, trying to burrow further, but I saw that it was going to take a while for her to do so. I would have to be waiting for so long and it could be too late by that point.

"You can stop Shachou..." I sighed, seeing how hard he was going to have to work.

"We can go search here later." I said

"Moona, are you sure?" Shachou asked. I nodded.

"There is no point in digging if we won't get anywhere anytime soon," I said, and she began to laugh.

"If we do it together, then we can get down faster!" Pekora said she would make a bit more room for me so I could help her dig a hole for us.

"Shachou, it doesn't matter." I giggled. She looked at me.

"But it does matter to you, therefore I won't stop digging," Pekora said.

I got down beside her and began helping her dig. I used my moon shaped blades to shovel the dirt from below me. After about
ten minutes, we made a hole big enough to fit through. We went down, noticing the tunnel was huge. Someone had already dug this out.

"Iofi is definitely here!" I said, running through the tunnel with Shachou following close behind, but we ran into a dead end. We couldn't get past the massive dirt wall in front of us.

"Shachou, let's turn around." I groaned but she didn't listen. She began to dig the dirt in front of us, revealing another tunnel.

"Someone clearly covered this up." Shachou said I agreed but this didn't make much sense. Why would someone do this?

"Let's push ahead!" I yelled crawling through the hole and began running through the new tunnel this one was straightforward and there were no turns however I realised somthing

"Weren't we here before?" Pekora asked.

It was as if we had circled around to the beginning of the tunnel. Somehow, this didn't make any sense. How did this happen?

"Yes, how did we manage to get to the start?" I questioned

The two of us ran down the tunnel and retraced our steps, but we somehow landed in the same place again.

"How the hell did we get here? The tunnel didn't turn!" I yelled

"Maybe it did and we didn't notice," Shachou said.

This didn't make any sense It was as if we went through a wormhole and came out on the other side of it.

"Shachou go down the tunnel on time for me." I told her she did as I asked, running down the rabbit hole.

I saw her disappear and I waited a few minutes. Looking behind me, I saw Shachou suddenly pop out of thin air.

"We may need to tell Sana about this..." I definitely said this definitely was the work of a plot hole or something.

I knew Iofi was studying wormholes and black holes, so maybe this has to do with her, although this could be the work of the council and not an outside force.

"Let's go to the surface and figure this out." I sighed.

"Agreed," Pekora said.

I thought about this. Maybe Sana could find a way to make it so we could pass through this tunnel.

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