Full Moon

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Moona pov: "S-someone help me!" A man screamed as he ran away from me in desperation, even if they don't remember harming Shachou I was going to kill them. I grabbed the man's head and swiftly snapped his neck.

"Risu, Iofi, how many are left?" I asked.

"Sixteen, Zeta already captured Temma," Risu said.

"And Astel?" I asked.

"We weren't going to spare him?" Risu asked.

"Oh yeah, I wish you forgot about the previous world..." I sighed.

Bzzt... my phone vibrated as I got a text. I looked down and saw it was from Anya.

"Apparently Ollie went crazy..." I said while facepalming.

"What's new?" Iofi asked.

We were about to leave and get Shachou so we could go to where Anya was, but I stopped as soon as I heard a man's voice.

"What did you do to my research facility and my staff?" The man screamed.

I grinned as I figured out who it was Magni Dezmond was just who I wanted to find. He was the one that harmed Shachou the most.

"Die...", "I stated coldly while walking towards him."

Twelve minutes later...

"Are you done yet, Moona?" Iofi asked.

"Not yet..." I said.

I continued to punch his motionless body, not even knowing if he was alive anymore. Even if he wasn't, I was not going to stop punching him until I was satisfied.

"Isn't he one of Oga-senpai's friends?" Risu asked.

"Yeah, probably..." I said.

"Moona, we probably should stop. I mean, he is probably dead. Look around," Iofi said.

I looked through the room and saw his blood all over. There was enough blood to paint the room red.

"Yeah, I guess I can stop," I said.

I went over to the table and found acid. I walked over to him and poured the substance all over his face.

"That's fair, right?" I asked, watching it eat away at his flesh.

We began to walk away when the boy somehow stood up again "I'll kill you..." he stated.

"Do you like rabbits?" I inquired of him.

"No, I hate those vile creatures!" He screamed.

"That's all I needed to know." I said

I ran at him, immediately circling behind him I grabbed his arms and broke them like twigs and slowly began tearing them off his body.

"Urahhhhhh!" He screamed in pain.

I slammed my foot onto his back and pressed down, making him bend more forward so I could tear his arms off more seamlessly.

"He isn't worth it!" Risu screamed.

"Your right..." I groaned.

I grabbed him by the neck and smashed him through a nearby desk.

"Are the charges planted?" I asked Risu

"Yes they are," Risu said.

"Then let's go..." I said, grabbing the detonator from Iofi.

We left the lab, and I pressed the button, watching as the whole facility exploded. I was smiling the whole time.

Then we went to pick up Shachou, who had just woken up; she had no idea that I was even gone.

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