Moona's Wish

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Moona pov: I looked over at Pekora. She seemed really happy. She really made me smile. She was cute, but I couldn't wash away an off feeling I had being with her. I felt as if she was fine without me. I love her, but who's to say she needed me?

"Hey Moona, let's go out for a walk!" Pekora said

"Wait, don't you want to catch up with Rushia?" I asked.

"No, I want to spend time with you, Peko!" She said I smiled a bit. I was happy she wanted to spend time with me.

"Okay, let's go on a walk then," I stated.

We exited the council, taking a short walk I thought about seeing Risu again since we were out, so I decided we'd go to the mystical forest Once we got there, we saw the spaceship from the council crashed there.

"Moona, you said you would be here hours ago." Risu said

"I'm sorry I forgot..." I sighed, laughing a bit.

"You were on a date with Pekora, I understand," Risu said.

"Hey Risu, there is a secret hatch in here!" Oga yelled

"Pull it open and see what's in it!" Risu yelled Oga did just that, seeing luggage inside belonging to Iofi

Damn it I wished Iofi would just show herself to me I really wanted to see her again maybe Risu, Iofi, and I could live together again and maybe we would all be on the same path together

I also wanted Pekora to be happy. I love her. I want nothing but the best for her. I want a world where she doesn't have to live in fear. One where she can live her life with me happily.

"Moona, we both miss Iofi, but don't ponder on it too much." Risu stated

"Yeah..." I said.

"Moona, let's go to our old spot!" Pekora said, pulling me along with her.

"Shachou, slow down!" I said as I was dragged around by her. She really was energetic. I liked that about her. Soon enough, we were in our usual spot.

"Let's play tag!" She said to tag me I began to laugh and chase after her. We were having so much fun, it made me forget about everything I was worried about.

Pekora made me feel safe and happy I was happy that she was in my life. I was happy that I took time to get to know her.

"Tag you're it!" I said, pressing my hand onto her. I ran away as fast as I could, but she caught up to me by hopping

"No, you're it!" She said, tagging me.

We kept doing this for almost an hour, not thinking about anything other than this game, before we collapsed from exhaustion.

"I had fun, Moona," Pekora panted.

"Me too, Shachou..." I sighed, sitting on the tree stump and wiping the sweat off my face.

"I love you Moona," Pekora said yet again, making me smile.

"I love you too, Shachou..." I said, going over to her and lying next to her, hugging her and gently kissing her on the cheek.

"Moona, I want to be with you forever." Pekora said

"Me too, Shachou, let's be together forever." I said, nuzzling her.

She was cute I was really happy she loved someone like me I had noticed she hadn't been saying peko that often. I wanted to ask her about that, but I didn't want to do so since it really didn't matter in the end.

The way she speaks doesn't matter because I'll love her no matter how she sounds or speaks.

"I want you to meet all my friends," I said, caressing her cheek gently. She seemed to melt with my touch.

"You really are cute, Moona," Pekora said.

"So are you Shachou?" I stated, kissing her on the lips softly.

"Can you kiss me again?" I nodded slightly, letting our lips press together again.

I didn't notice Risu was watching us the whole time. "Cute!" She said, laughing as she chewed on a nut.

"Hey, don't look!" I said, shouting at Risu, trying to push her away.

I didn't know why she was watching us anyway. She had no reason to be here other than to inform us about something.

"Risu, do you love anyone?" I asked.

"Nuts..." Risu said I glared at her, sighing.

"No, not something, someone!" I shouted. She shook her head.

"Nope!" She said that was probably a lie, but I didn't want to press her on this.

I remembered Iofi would tease Risu and I about who we loved. She usually was able to snuff us out, but I couldn't figure Risu out. She was too fascinated with nuts. It honestly was concerning. I didn't get why she loved nuts so much.

"Risu I know you love someone... I said, "She laughed again."

"Not on my life," she stated, spitting out a piece of an acorn she had

"You are lying, Peko!" Pekora giggled Risu shushed her, telling her not to say that.

"I already know you are lying, but who cares?" I said

"Don't say that I'm not a liar!" Risu shouted

I sat up and walked over to her, hugging her and making her blush. "See you like someone," I said, embarrassing her.

"Don't put me on the spot like that!" She shouted. I giggled from her embarrassment. She was cute too.

"I'll do whatever I want," I said, smirking at her.

"You can't be serious..." Risu stated I rolled my eyes.

"Of course not, but I will get you with the person you love," I stated.

I had to figure out who she loved so I could get her with them once I figured it out. I was going to tease the hell out of her. I really wanted to step up and trick her into telling me everyone she loved.

"Risu, let's go out for a bit; you can hang with Shachou and I," I said.

Risu knew I was up to something but couldn't say no to me. All she could do was play along with me.

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