Space and the Preistess

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Sana pov: "Ina, we need to go!" I stated that swearing dripped down my face.

"What why?" Ina asked

"Meimei is in trouble; I can feel it," I said.

"Eh?" Gura and Ina said

"She'll be fine; she's resilient," Amelia said.

"Do we know the same person?" I asked

"You are talking like you are linked," Amelia said.

"It's weird, but I feel that we are linked in some way," I said.

"Well, you are all the byproduct of Omegaα," Gura said.

"T-that was a big word, Gura!" Ame said as she clapped in amazement.

"Shut it..." Gura snarled

"Let's go..." I stated as I began to open a portal.

Suddenly, my vision began to fade as I passed out. I slowly began to open my eyes, noticing I was in a different realm than before. I looked around frantically, only feeling some relief when I saw Ina.

"Are you alright, Sana?" Ina asked me

"I could say the same to you, babe," I said.

I began to question what was going on—how did Ina get to this point with me?

"Hmm... I see you two are here." Meimei sighed as she suddenly appeared behind us.

"Meimei?" I was shocked to see her here.

"So Omegaα called on you too," Meimei said.

"Omegaα? "Why would she call me here!?" Ina asked

"Maybe the ancient ones are a byproduct of Omega as well," Meimei stated.

"But why would she call us now?" Ina asked

"She may be trying to get Ina under her control to suppress me," Meimei explained.

"But why am I here?" I asked

"You are Ina's lifeline, meaning if you are cut off, would you run?" Meimei explained.

"So the plan is to get me out of Ina's way," I said.

"Yes, that's why we are going to wake you up." Meimei stated

"But how?" I asked.

"Sana, we may need to hurt you," Meimei said.

"I don't know about that," Ina said.

"Look, I want to do this in the least violent way possible, but this is the only thing I can think of," Meimei said.

"How did you break out last time?" I asked

"Kiara somehow entered this situation and talked me out of it," I said.

"Sana, the most important person to you, needs to talk to you!" Ina said

"That's you..." I sighed

"Eh!?" Ina said as her face grew red.

"You can't be embarrassed, really?" I was confused.

"You... you can't say stuff like that!" Ina cried

"But you are my girlfriend," I stated.

"Then wake up!" Ina yelled

"It's no good," Meimei said.

"Well, then what?" I asked

Ina walked up to me and put me in a hug. She wasn't tall enough to press her lips to mine; she was barely tall enough that her lips touched my breasts.

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