Odd Affection

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Bae pov: "How are you feeling, babe?" Irys asked.

"Like crap, I've been deposed and ragdolled by Ina," I sighed.

"That's true. Don't worry about it though," Irys said.

"Why shouldn't I?" I asked.

"Because you are safe with me," Irys said.

"Am I though?" I questioned

"Yes, darling, let's play monopoly." Irys said seductively.

"No...." I was grossed out by Irys

Irys pinned me to the wall and softly kissed me. She was acting really affectionate today for some reason. I wasn't used to this.

She has never been this lovey to me She must want something from me.

"What do you need?" I questioned

"I want love," Irys stated.

I began to blush. She was so charming. What was up with her today? She was making me fall in love with her. Then again, we are dating, so why would I be falling in love with her?

I needed to think I got up and tried to leave, but she hugged me I tried to talk but words wouldn't come out. She left me speechless.

I was amazed at how Irys was acting. She was being so romantic right now. She was cute.

I wish Irys acted like this all the time, but then again, if she did then I don't think my heart would be able to handle it. I am used to Irys being vulgar and hard to handle, so having her be able to swoon me daily is hard to believe.

I did want that, but at the same time, I didn't want that because my heart would go Doki Doki while I heard what she said.

I wanted to kiss her and do things to her like play monopoly I wanted to use the thimble and play a rough game with her, but my mind was getting too dirty.

I couldn't believe what Irys was doing to me. I couldn't think I needed to get fresh air. I tried to leave, but Irys was holding me too tightly.

I finally got out and dashed for the door, trying to escape, but Irys got up and grabbed my arm, pulling me back down with her.

"Darling, please stay with me..." Irys said softly.

I bit my lip trying to think of how I was going to get away from here, but I couldn't. Irys was too loving; she was too cute; I didn't want to leave her.

I didn't want to leave her!? I definitely did. Why would I say that?

What did Mumei do to me? I thought to myself.

No, there is no way that Mumei did anything. I wasn't affected by her plan, neither was Irys. It was my wish to have Irys shower me with love.

I really wanted Irys to love me and only me because she is a huge cheater, but I didn't want it like this.

Maybe Irys wanted to be more faithful to me. That would be nice. I really would like that if she did that.

I suddenly remembered that I was actually married to Irys. I looked at my finger and saw the ring on it. We were engaged after all.

How did this happen? When did this happen? I didn't understand.

When did I fall in love with Irys?

"Bae, what's wrong?" Irys asked.

"N-nothing!" I shouted

Irys kissed me again and giggled to herself.

"You really don't look fine." Irys stated she looked at me longingly and smiled, "Then again, you are the prettiest girl I've looked at." She said

This was getting to be too much Irys was the perfect woman What the hell is this?

If Mumei really did do this, do I thank her? What do I do?

I really don't know if I should be happy my wife is like this or feel uncomfortable because I really do like it. However, is this what Irys really wants to say? Are these her true feelings?

I can't figure out if Irys wants something or if she is just being super affectionate towards me all of a sudden. I was really confused by her but not mad at her as I've said before.

I pulled Irys into a hug, shocking her.

"B-bae, what are you doing!?" Irys asked.

"I'm loving you..." I said softly.

It was my turn to love her. She didn't seem ready for me to do that. I think she wanted to be in control of me, but I didn't let her. I changed it up on her.

I gently placed a kiss on her neck and cheek. She got flustered by that and was shuddering.

"Bae, let's take this to bed..." Irys said quietly.

"W-what!?" I shouted Irys smirked and took control over me again. This is what she wanted.

We stayed like that for a while, trying to dominate each other. Everyone was staring at us whenever they came in and out of the room.

"Get a room," Sana said.

"I want a room!" Ina said

"That's not what I meant, but I'll play with you, Ina," Sana said.

"I'll refuse to get a room with Irys!" I shouted

I was worried that I wouldn't be good enough for her for some reason.

I wasn't her first choice in my eyes. I didn't know she loved me completely.

This was going to be my test to see if she was going to be faithful to me. Maybe I should get a room with her.

Maybe if Irys and I lived with each other, I would learn more about her and figure out what she liked about me I don't want to change that about myself.

Whatever I like about her, she seems to notice and she will show me that more, so I wanted to know what she likes about me.

I don't want to be like the other girls I am the leader of the council. I want to be perfect in Irys's eyes.

I really wanted to be the girl she loves most

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