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Calli pov: I had to take care of Clara and Kobo as Kiara and Reine were going to meet up with Mumei.

"Dad, Kobo took my toy!" Clara cried.

"I'm not dad..." I mumbled to myself as I woke up, walked over to Kobo, and snatched the doll from her.

"Give that back or I'll tell Mommy Kiawa!" Kobo cried.

"That toy is fucking Clara's!" I yelled

"What did you say, Calli?" Kiara asked as she came back to grab the sword she forgot.

"Uhm.... Kiara, I didn't mean to say that..." I said

Her eyes were glowing and she was seething. She was pissed.

"Clara, Kobo, go to your rooms for an hour or two." Kiara said

"Y-yes Mommy!" They both said as they dashed into their rooms.

"Now Calli, I will make you learn to watch your mouth." Kiara said

One hour later...

"Now Calli, did you learn your lesson?" Kiara asked as she put her shirt back on.

"Y-yes honey..." I said, blushing a bit.

"Kiara I really didn't want to hear that... Reine said.

"You didn't need to listen." Kiara said, finally leaving to go to council.

"Well, let's go, we're an hour late..." Reine sighed.

I scrambled to gather my clothes before Clara and Kobo came out of their rooms and saw me naked. I put my clothes on fast before knocking on the kids' doors, telling them they could come out.

"What did Mommy and you do?" Clara asked.

"She disciplined me..." I said, realizing what I said, "Look, you don't need to worry about that!" I shouted

"Clara, they were playing the game Mommies and Daddies play!" Kobo said, grinning.

"Oh really!? You two play monopoly! " "Clara said

"Y-yes, we play monopoly in bed..." I said

"Dad, why are you so sweaty?" Kobo asked.

"You see, Daddy played an intense game of monopoly!" I said nervously, not even catching that I called myself Dad.

"You two will learn when you are older..." I said

I know Kiara would kill me if I told them what we actually meant. I would hate the punishment. I just don't want to sleep on the couch.

"I'm hungry!" Kobo cried.

"We just had lunch!" I shouted

"Well, I want more!" Kobo whined.

"No, you'll spoil your appetite later!" I told her

"Dinner isn't until six; it's only one!" Kobo shouted

"Fine, you can each have one snack, nothing else!" I said

"Ice cream!" Both of them shouted

"No, that's dessert..." I said that wasn't good for them. I didn't want them to eat ice cream before dinner.

"Fine, can we have cookies?" Clara asked.

"Okay, but only two..." I sighed.

They ran over, snatching two bags of big chocolate chip cookies.

"Wait, I thought you meant in the container, not bags!" I shouted, taking the bags from them.

I handed both of them two cookies from the container and they began eating.

"Kobo chew with your mouth closed, Clara!" I said as I saw them getting cookies all over

"I still want more!" Kobo said, with her mouth stuffed with

"Don't talk with your mouth full and no, this was your one snack before dinner!" I said loudly.

"But Mommy allows us to eat three snacks before dinner," Clara said.

"Don't you dare lie Kiara is more responsible than I am. I said, "Clara began to pout because I didn't take her lie."

"But daddy, please, I want to eat chips!" Kobo shouted

I grabbed a small bag of chips and threw it at them. "There you go..." I said

"No, I want a bowl of chips!" Kobo cried.

"That's not healthy!" I said I wanted to be a responsible parent.

"But Mommy, let me!" Kobo shouted

"Then I'll ask Mommy..." I said, pulling out my phone.

Kobo got up and desperately tried to grab my phone out of my hand.

"See, why do that if she lets you?" I asked.

Her face went blank She didn't realise I was obviously tricking her and she fell for it hook line and sinker.

"Kobo, you idiot..." Clara laughed.

"N-no, you're the idiot!" Kobo shouted

"Come on, Kobo, how old are you?" I asked as she cried.

"I'm a big girl!" Kobo shouted

"Then act like one." I sighed.

I was getting irritated. I didn't know how the hell Kiara kept up this. This is the first day we're living this. I don't know how she is so mentally prepared for this.

I was mentally dead from hearing them cry about wanting snacks and Kiara doing this and how I can't even complain because these are my children, the girls I created.

I went over to the fridge and looked inside. I wanted to get some milk, but there was none.

"Clara, Kobo, come on, we need to go to the store to get milk," I said.

I wasn't about to leave them for a few seconds to get milk from the nearby store. If I did, Clara and Kobo would tell Kiara and then I'd get yelled at for being that dad who leaves for milk and never comes back.

I didn't want Kiara to yell at me, but the other punishment she gives me is perfectly fine. It gets rid of my stress, so it's actually very helpful to me, but I mean, we can't keep doing things like that during the day, especially when Kobo and Clara are around.

We went to the store and bought the milk. On our way home, I got myself a glass of milk but also gave Kobo and Clara a glass so they wouldn't complain.

I didn't want to drink in front of the kids again unless Kiara was there to explain to them that they couldn't have it because I sucked at explaining things without making them worse.

I wondered when Kiara was coming back and if Reine would be here for dinner. Then again, she has Ollie to go home to.

I thought about it. That must be frustrating. Then I began to wonder what Ollie has been doing recently

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