Gladiator Fight

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Zeta pov: As soon as Kiara got back to us, we got the show on the road, picked up Botan and the others, and we were on our way since we wanted to get this done as soon as possible, we needed to find the other universe, Kaela, before something bad happened, and oddly enough, she was fairly close.

She was inside a huge stadium nearby, and for some reason the other me knew there was no way she could have been captured, so she willingly went there.

"Who goes there!?" A man boomed, his Australian accent echoing throughout.

"Oh, no...." the other me sighed.

"What?" I asked.

"Why do I have to interact with him always? ", the other me groaned.

"Who?" I asked.

"Have you not met your Axel Syrios yet?" The other me asked:

"No," I said.

"Then consider yourself lucky," the other me scoffed.

"Just the person I wanted to throw Ollie and Anya at." Moona-senpai said

"Look, we're only here to maybe punch him and get the other Kaela so we can send them back home," Mumei-senpai said.

"Yeah, so stay vigilant!" Fauna said

"I love your energy," Mumei said wistfully.

We walked in and saw the orange-haired boy sitting on a stone throne.

"Took you long enough," the other Ela said.

"Yeah, we got sidetracked," the other me said.

"I'm so pretty!" Ela said

"Yeah, you're looking at yourself," I said.

"Which one of you is the strongest? If you fight me and win, you can have the girl!" Axel laughed.

"She is," Mumei-senpai said as she pointed at me with a clever lie. For some reason, they all seemed to want me to fight.

"Alright fine..." I sighed as I stepped into the arena.

Immediately, as soon as I stepped inside the arena, he whipped his chain, smacking the left side of my head. I just stood there, not feeling a thing.

"Huh?" Axel said he was confused by what had just happened.

He began to whip me rapidly, but I didn't feel a thing, so I just grabbed the end of the chain and yanked him towards me with one hand, and as soon as he was close, I punched him, sending him hurtling towards a wall.

"Alright, he's done," I sighed.

As soon as the smoke cleared, it revealed that he was just standing there with blood dripping from his face.

"You are a fucking brat...." he laughed

"You seem like a sore loser," I stated.

"I don't lose!" Axel yelled while running at me and sent a flurry of punches my way, which I easily dodged.

I was out of his league since he's just a human, and I honestly felt bad for him for a second.

He jumped up in the air and slammed a kick down, which I blocked with my arm. I was impressed, though, since he actually managed to make me sink to the ground a little, so he's beyond a normal human.

"Wait, he's similar to my Axel," the other me said.

"Care to explain?" I asked

"The more he gets beaten, the stronger he gets. Since this world works differently, I think it's classified as something different," the other person explained.

"So will he be a threat?" I asked

"Not necessarily," the other me said.

I took that as he will be if I leave him conscious for too long, so I sprinted at him and kicked him into the air before jumping after him. I punched him a few times before grabbing him and suplexing him into the ground.

"There is no way he can get back up," I said.

Much to my shock, he was back up, and he immediately picked up a huge chunk of ground and chucked it at me with immense speeds.

"Damn it!" I yelled as I barely dodged it.

"Maybe you should interfere, Mumei!" Ela said

"No, that isn't what Zeta wants," Mumei-senpai said.

I smiled at what she said, happy that she understood me. She doesn't want to diminish my win; she wants me to win by myself, knowing that that will help my pride and help me grow as a fighter.

I decided his ability is somewhat akin to beast mode, so I will call it that.

I needed to end this fast, so I needed to decide how I was going to end this. I bit my lip and waited for him to get close. As soon as he punched, I grabbed his arm and yanked him in, and with my left arm, I hit him with a barrage of punches.

He fell to the ground. I saw him struggling to get up, and I was astonished. But I didn't want to hesitate, so I lifted my leg and stomped on his head, knocking him out.

"Alright, now we can get this show on the road," I said.

"Not quite, we need Ame," Mumei-senpai said.

That was true; without her, we couldn't access the timestream and look into different dimensions.

"Mumei-senpai, how are we going to get her?" I asked

"I have no idea..." Mumei-senpai sighed

"Can we use our powers to make a portal?" Fauna-senpai asked

"It's possible...." Mumei-senpai sighed

"We'd have to be in sync with Kronii, Irys, and Bae, though." Fauna-senpai said

"Yeah, so it won't work...." Mumei-senpai said

"Well, can't you open a portal, Mumei-senpai?" I asked

"Yes, but there is a reason as to why I don't want to right now since Sana has lost her powers briefly," Mumei-senpai said.

"Huh...." I said.

"Let's not push our senpai," Ela said.

"You're right," I stated.

"Mumei, we can help you," Kiara and Reine said.

"We'd need a huge influx of power, and I don't think even with all of us, it's enough," Mumei-senpai said.

"Wait, Mumei-senpai, what if we brought Suisei-senpai and Matsuri-senpai?" Ollie asked

"That could work, but you'll have to find them quickly," Mumei said.

"We'll do that!" I said

Mumei-senpai smirked and told us to go do that; she'd be waiting. I didn't want to let her down.

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