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"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin shook his head and kept scrubbing the alcohol and vomit stains from the wall. The previous night had been a rough one from the view of the tavern.

Broken glasses on the floor, vomit pretty much everywhere, and stains a shit ton of stains on the walls. If he were a vampire he wouldn't be cleaning after these drunks.

"You don't seem like yourself. If you want I can scrub the walls and you can wash the cups."

"No, it's okay. I'm not upset about this shit well I am, but it's not the reason for my mood."

"What happened then?"

Jimin sighed, "I'm slightly disappointed about the ball."

"I really enjoyed it. They had good food and drinks for free. I don't think I've ever eaten that much. Did you try that chocolate fountain they had? I bet the king has a special chocolate chef or something."

"Yeah I'm sure the king has a chocolate chef and everything else. You know, that's not why I'm disappointed. The food was amazing. The thing is, we never encountered a vampire willing to speak to us and most importantly we didn't even meet the king."

Jungkook shrugged, "It just wasn't meant to be. I mean what did you expect? For him to come out with a shiny crown lifted by his servants requesting to meet everyone in town and give them a handshake?"

Jimin laughed, "That would've been so cool. I really, really, really, wanted to meet the king."

"I told you he's probably dead. Like for real dead."

"No, no, there's a reason he threw a ball in the castle. Maybe something big is coming. Something is going to change. I can feel it."

Jungkook walked over to him and put his hand against his forehead, "Are you still tipsy? I told you not to drink. You're so lightweight."

"I tolerate more than you." Jimin said, playfully shoving his hand away.

Jungkook grinned, "Right. Whatever."

Jimin kept scrubbing while occasionally giving him glances. He was so concentrated on washing the cups that he didn't notice his staring.

It was incredible how strong and effortlessly Jungkook picked up the stacks of heavy glass cups. Despite them being poor their whole life and struggling to find food, Jungkook had grown up to be a big strong man.

At times Jimin felt a little jealous that Jungkook was taller, stronger, and more handsome than himself. While on the other hand, he was shorter, and nowhere near as tough as him.

If Jungkook was this strong as a human he couldn't imagine how he would be when being immortal. Jimin finally got done scrubbing the dirty walls and got up from his kneeled position.

He removed the thick cleaning gloves and in the process his long sleeve shirt had come up a little revealing the almost fresh bite mark. Hoseok had never been gentle with his feeding. He was always very rough and quite messy.

Not that Jimin ever seemed to mind. In fact, he liked it. He liked the attention from a supernatural being. Hoseok hadn't been his first encounter with one, but he was the first important one.

In his eighteen years of life, he had never been close to someone as important as Hoseok. He worked beside the king and knew him personally.

Although Hoseok had only been feeding on him for a few months, he was sure he could eventually convince him to turn him. As he picked him the bucket of dirty water, the flashback of meeting him came to mind.

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