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"Good morning, Hoseok. Did you get what I asked for?" Yoongi asked.

"Your majesty, how very good to have you back. It's been a few weeks. How was your trip? I did get what you asked for. I always do. I'm a faithful servant." He smirked.

"Of course you are. It was okay. Lots of boring talks. I need a scheduled appointment with Yuta. Have him come in today."

"Sure thing. Anything else I can get for you?"

"Not at this time. Thank you."

Hoseok walked to the door and then turned to face him. "Your highness, I think you should check up on your husband."

Yoongi instantly looked up from the papers he was reading, "What's wrong with Jimin? Is he okay?" He wondered quickly.

The reason he had restrained himself from going to see Jimin was that it was barely five o'clock in the morning. He would still be sleeping so he thought that catching up on work now and spending more time with him later would be the best option.

He didn't know how much he truly cared about Jimin until he realized how frantic he became hearing Hoseok's statement.

"He's been acting quite strange. The other day I bumped into him and he nearly fell over. I had to catch preventing him from falling. I offered to get the doctor for him, but he refused. I've kept an eye on him to see if I notice anything strange. Other employees have told me he doesn't eat breakfast anymore."

"You touched my husband?" Yoongi asked calmly, though he felt anything but calm. Was this what Jimin felt when he told him about Jeongyeon?

"Yes. I'm sorry your majesty. It was to prevent him from falling."

He nodded even though he still felt childishly jealous at the thought of Hoseok touching Jimin. He had to remind himself he was the king and that he needed to keep his cool.

Though Hoseok was only twenty-three, he was more mature than Yoongi when it came to childish tantrums. It was fair that he was wiser and more mature.

A human twenty-three year old brain versus an eighteen year old one was a huge difference. At times Yoongi struggled to keep his composure as the calm and collected one.

"Of course. You can leave."

Yoongi was left behind with his intrusive thoughts. He never really liked to think of the history Hoseok and Jimin had, but now that was all that was on his mind.


Jimin's eyes widened as he saw Yoongi sitting on the table waiting for him. He smiled sheepishly and approached him.

He bowed teasingly, "Your majesty. You're back."

"I am. Come on, have a seat, let's eat breakfast."

Jimin nodded and rushed to the table. However, when his eyes landed on the breakfast platter his smile faded.

"I really don't want to eat breakfast." He murmured a little nauseously.

"What's wrong with this breakfast? You've been eating it for months without complaints. Did something happen?"

Jimin shook his head and took a seat. He smiled trying to lighten up the mood as he pushed the plate away, but how could he when he felt so blue?

"I'm just a little tired of eating the same thing every morning. I had a late dinner last night so I'm truly satisfied at the moment."

This was a lie of course. Jimin still wanted to eat the same food every morning, but now he knew why. Because this was the same food Yoongi would give him in the past.

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