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Jin quietly celebrated as he rushed to open the door. Then he saw Namjoon's face and his smile disappeared. The usual upbeat and happiness wasn't radiating through him.

There was this dull and dark aura surrounding him that he couldn't explain. Jin opened the door wider for him to come in without saying anything.

"Hi." Namjoon whispered, taking a seat.

"Hey. Is everything okay?"

"Sure. Everything is fine."

Jin took a seat in front of him. A thousand questions flooded his mind. Was it because of his appearance? Namjoon had been coming over more frequently lately and since revealing his identity, he'd received him as himself.

It was still odd to talk to him and greet him being in his own body. He didn't think Namjoon minded, but now that he was so upset he couldn't help to wonder if it was his fault.

"You're my friend right?" Jin asked.

"Of course." Namjoon responded.

"Then don't lie to me. Something is wrong."

Namjoon released a shaky breath, "Something is wrong. Today is an important date."

"Today? But it's not your birthday." He panicked trying to wonder if he had lost track of time and they were in September again.

"No, it's not my birthday but it's a date I will never forget."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jin wondered.

Namjoon kept avoiding eye contact, something he never did. He was the type of person to always look you in the eye and be polite. He seemed anxious and very distracted.

Now Jin was starting to worry that this was about Nayeon. What if she broke his heart unintentionally? Or what if he was the one that broke her heart and now he felt bad? Either way, that would be his fault for impersonating her in the first place.

"Can you transform into anyone?" Namjoon asked after a long moment of silence.

Jin furrowed his eyebrows slightly confused, but nodded his head slowly. Namjoon stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a picture. He handed it to Jin who took it.

It was a picture of a guy in a pretty navy suit. His hair was dark black and there was a cute mole under his eye adorning his already beautiful features. He had a pretty smile.

"Can you transform into him?" He whispered.

Jin looked away from the picture and back at Namjoon who looked desperate and tired. He didn't know why Namjoon wanted to see this man, but he couldn't stand to see him this way so he agreed.

As he stared at the picture longer, he focused on copying the man's exact features. He was unbelievably gorgeous to say the least.

Slowly, he felt himself change. This man was slightly taller than him and equally as broad shouldered as himself. When he finally looked back at Namjoon the tears spilled from his eyes.

He got up from the chair and Jin did too trying to figure out what was happening. "What's the matter Namjoon?" His voice sounded way different than his regular voice.

But Namjoon only cried harder. He quickly pulled him closer for a hug hurrying his face in his neck. Jin immediately returned the hug trying to comfort him as best as possible.

"I miss you so much." Namjoon sobbed still with his face buried in his neck.

Jin felt himself panic when Namjoon started making noises with his mouth at how loud he was crying. He didn't know what to do, but to transform back into himself.

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