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Jimin's eyes widened as big as his body was capable of. He was so stunned that he dropped the bloody handkerchief on the floor.

Taehyung was fast enough to catch it midair before it completely fell. When Yoongi heard the door shut he released a shaky breath stumbling back.

"Sir, are you okay?" Taehyung asked as Jimin collapsed back on the chair. His face was paler than Yoongi's milky complexion.

Everything around Jimin started spinning and he could hardly hear what Taehyung was saying though he was inches away.

Had he heard right? Did the king ask him to be his husband? Correction, he didn't even ask. He told him he'd be his husband without giving him a choice.

Even if it was a choice could he decline such a tempting offer? If he was to marry the king he'd be a king too. He'd live in the castle and be surrounded by wealth. All his dreams would come true. He'd have the world at the palm of his hand and he'd finally be able to help out Jungkook.

No more dealing with his pathetic boss. No more having to worry if rent was going to be paid. All their problems would be solved.

But why him? Why would the king pick someone like him? What could the king possibly like? There were so many questions flooding his mind along with so many mixed emotions.

"I think I'm okay, but did I—did I hear right?" He asked, looking up at Taehyung. He watched his face thinking that he'd start laughing at him.

"What do you think you hear?"

"That the king wants me to marry him."

"You heard right."

Once again, Jimin started hyperventilating. His stomach felt uneasy to the point he had to lean back on the wine red couch. It was embarrassing to be so weak in front of an immortal, but it was something he could not control.

If he tried to sit back up he'd pass out for sure. The shock of the situation was putting his body through a panic attack.

"Vernon?" Taehyung called. His voice wasn't loud or demanding, but the young man showed up at the door instantly.

Jimin was too sick to even look at him. He knew that Vernon had fed on Jungkook and therefore knew of him. The queasiness didn't even allow him to care at the moment.

"Please bring tea for our guest. He does not feel well."

Vernon nodded instantly and just like that he had vanished. Their moves were so quick it was easy to miss them.

Jimin kept his eyes focused on the spinning ceiling. Wondering if he would make it to the altar alive or if this anxiety would take him out before then.


"Your majesty?"


"Do you agree with letting them use our land?"

Yoongi closed his eyes briefly. His mind was racing at unimaginable speeds. Having supernatural abilities had given gin the power to multitask, but ever since he smelled Jimin's blood it's like his brain was intoxicated.

When he blinked, the scent was there. When he spoke, the scent was there. It was everywhere. Despite Jimin being in another floor, rooms away, and separated through thick walls all he could hear was his beating heart and soft breaths.

"Your majesty, your mind seems to be elsewhere."

Yoongi reopened his eyes and spotted a smiling Yuta from across the table. He was one of the men who helped him run the kingdom and one of the ones that had helped his father before.

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