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"You can't stay with me?" Jimin asked as he sat on the bed.

His feet were extremely achy from all the walking around. It was three in the morning and the guests were still partying.

It was quite obvious they wouldn't leave any time soon. They were immortal and didn't need sleep, but unfortunately Jimin did.

After their little magical dancing moment, they went back inside and socialized with the rest before things got suspicious.

Jimin wanted to tell Yoongi to stay out there with him, but he knew that wasn't possible. If they didn't go back inside, Taehyung and Hoseok would only go out to look for them.

Jungkook was the first to give up and leave the party. He insisted in Jimin coming with him, but as the king's husband he couldn't leave.

But when the clock hit three am, Jimin didn't know what to do with himself. His eyes felt heavy and his body was exhausted. If he stayed two seconds without moving he'd fall asleep.

That's when Yoongi had to take him to bed even though Jimin opposed. It was useless for him to deny that he wasn't tired, it was quite obvious.

"I really have to say goodbye to our guests."

"It's three in the morning. I don't think they're leaving anytime soon."

Yoongi sighed, "From the looks of it you're right."

Jimin quickly got out of bed, "Then let me come with you! I can pull an all-nighter. I've done it before. I'm not even tired." He smiled trying to be convincing.

He really didn't want Yoongi to go back to the party by himself. Jeongyeon would be there and though she hadn't done anything wrong, Jimin was still jealous and insecure.

They had a true bond before he was even part of the picture. Even as humans they loved each other and were destined to be married. Although Yoongi had been the one to put distance between them, over a century had gone by.

Yoongi still mourned his father but his resentment towards her was gone. What if seeing her tonight awoken those feelings that he once had?

Jimin couldn't possibly compete with that. Yoongi had only married him for conviene and the bond he had with Jeongyeon was real and it happened naturally. Theirs was forced.

"I don't think so brat. You need sleep."

"I swear I'm fine! I—I don't need to—"

Yoongi pressed his finger against his lip. "Jimin, you need sleep."

He smiled defeatedly sitting back down on the soft bed. It felt bigger than usual and it was probably because he'd be alone the rest of the night. Not to mention Yoongi would leave on his trip after that.

When Yoongi kneeled down, Jimin snapped out of his thoughts. He immediately panicked, "Your majesty! Please get off the floor! What are you doing?"

"I'm taking off your shoes. You're too tired."

Jimin shook his head no, "No. I cannot allow you to—"

"I am the king. I do what I please."

Jimin quieted down and looked at his lap. Yoongi sighed quickly regretting sounding so snappy. "That's not what I meant. I just want to do this for you."

He timidly nodded once he heard Yoongi's voice return to normal. He watched as this man carefully untied his shoes and slid them off him like he was fragile. Precious and valuable.

Jimin's legs got goosebumps at the cold breeze hitting them. He was embarrassed that Yoongi was so close to his feet and he hoped they weren't sweaty or smelled weird.

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