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The moment Hoseok walked through the gate he smelled it. The sweet unmistakable scent that he had indulged in before. There had been so many times he had personally fed on him that he'd recognize him anywhere.

He turned to look at Sehun. "Why's he here?" He instantly questioned.

Sehun shrugged his shoulders, "You are more than welcome to ask the king himself."

Hoseok smirked, "Smartass."

He certainly was intrigued about Jimin's presence. Why was he here? As he made his way through the front door he listened attentively trying to pick up on Jimin's voice, but instead he heard another voice belonging to none other than Yoongi.

"Hoseok. How good for you to join us again. Please come here."

Throughout the years, he had managed to get on Yoongi's good side. It helped that he had seen him grow up since he was a child. However, getting on Yoongi's bad side could be an issue.

Despite him being the previous king's right hand, Yoongi was more of a team player. He didn't solely rely on one person like his father did. So he couldn't help wondering if he was in trouble because of Jimin.

Getting in trouble for feeding on a human that gave consent felt ridiculous. And yet, his mind was spinning with all of these crazy ideas. The moment the king decided that his services were no longer needed, that was the moment he would die.

Even after five hundred and forty six years, he was still not ready to die. That's why he walked slowly towards Yoongi's office not really wanting to get there.

Before he could even knock on the door, Taehyung opened it up. "Were you waiting for me? You creep." He smiled heading inside. Even though he was nervous he kept a smile on his face.

Hoseok made sure to place the box he had so carefully taken care of. He did travel thousands of miles to get this for the king.

"Your majesty." He greeted with a bow.

"Daddy. You're back!" Yoongi teased.

"Daddy's back." He replied with a smirk. It seemed like Yoongi was in a good mood. Therefore it couldn't be bad news.

"Did you bring what I asked?"

"I did." He responded by handing him the box. "I didn't know you were in such a need to get this ring. Although if I may add, I think it's too small for your fingers. It might fit your pinkie."

Yoongi chuckled as he opened it up. There it revealed a gorgeous black band ring with sapphires and diamonds all around it.

"It's not for me."


"Vernon, can you please go get my visitor?"

Vernon nodded and excused himself. Hoseok raised an eyebrow as he looked directly at Yoongi. "Visitor?" He questioned.

"Oh yes. Don't tell me you don't smell him?"

"I do. I think everyone does. I smell two humans. If I may ask, what are they doing here?"

"Don't get mad at me now dad," he began with a wide smile.

Hoseok grinned, "I would never."

"I am getting married to Jimin and the other human is his uhh..."

"Friend." Taehyung finished for him.

"Yeah, yeah."

Hoseok's smile vanished, "You're—you're giving up the throne?"

"Oh fuck no. I'm doing this to fulfill my dead father's wish. Come on Hoseok everyone here knows."

"I beg to pardon your majesty but I have been gone for days. I was not aware you were getting married...to a man."

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