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"No. I'm not Vernon." He said walking over to Jimin who immediately got up to bow.

Yoongi smirked, assuming that he had recognized his voice, but when Jimin immediately straightened back up and sat down he was caught off guard.

Jimin was trying to ignore the fact that this immortal was handsome. If he seemed too intimidated he'd know for sure. He was very attractive and the suit definitely fit his style. His hair was a mesh of caramel dirty blonde and a mixture of both curly and straight hair.

As much as he tried to recall if he'd seen him before he couldn't. Although he swore he seemed familiar from somewhere. Then again, if he'd met him before he wouldn't forget his gorgeous face.

"Right, I forget that there's a million vampires here. Did they send you to watch me? I am really not trying to escape. I would be dumb to try to escape. I mean, I get a room all to myself and free food! I could not be happier. Aside from being locked away in my room like a prisoner. Although, it's a pretty lavish prison so I can't complain."

Yoongi watched as the human kept unraveling himself. He was a blabber for sure. All he said was four words and that was enough to get him started.

"Are you going to just stand there? You can sit down, you know? I don't want you to stand there like a statue. I guess I could use the company. Vernon is not a talker and when he does talk he sounds like he's in pain. I mean you don't talk much either, but you're a different face so I am okay with it. Are you mute? Wait, that was a dumb question you spoke to me while ago so of course you're not mute. Gosh, I am going insane! Not talking Jungkook has really put a toll on me."

Yoongi tilted his head to the side as he sat next to him. This was the human that Taehyung claimed to be manipulative and dangerous? He seemed pretty normal and safe, but when he turned to look at him it impacted him.

Jimin's face was flushed red from the sun exposure. There were sweat particles on his cheeks and around his nose. His lips were pink and plump.

The innocence on his face was both mischievous and alarming. Then a smile painted his lips turning him into a completely different person. He was confident, knowing he looked damn good smiling.

So this is what Taehyung meant by saying he was dangerous.

"You know what? You probably are mute. I'm probably hearing shit at this point." He laughed.

Yoongi snapped back to reality remembering who the fuck he was. He was the king of Caaia and the most powerful hybrid in the world. A mere human could not make him feel so intimidated.

"I'm not mute. I just haven't had the chance to respond to you considering you're a talker."

Jimin chuckled embarrassed, "I know. I can't ever shut up. This is why I need Jungkook here. So I can vent to him."

"Is Jungkook your boyfriend?" He asked suddenly, wondering why he was so obsessed with him.

It's not like he cared, he wasn't marrying Jimin out of love. It was mainly to fulfill his promise to his dead father. Of course he had been a little selective with his choice. The main thing was that Jimin's scent was obsessive.

"My boyfriend? Oh no! No way. He's my brother."

"Brother?" He questioned. If he recalled correctly, the report Taehyung did of him strictly said that he was an orphan with no family.

"Yes. We have different moms but we're half brothers. We grew up in an orphanage downtown. Our moms died when we were young and our dad was absent so that's why we grew up in the orphanage."

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