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Jin opened the door with a mouthful. Once he saw that Namjoon was the one that was knocking, he swallowed his food and nearly choked.

"Pardon, was I interrupting?"

He shook his head, "No, no. Of course not. Uhh, how can I help you?" He asked after clearing his throat several times.

"May I come in?"

"Sure." He murmured a little nervously. The last time he'd seen him things didn't go as expected. After Namjoon asked for that love potion and he declined, he thought he wouldn't come back.

Although Jin had a clear rule of not doing black magic, including love potions, he was more against it because it was Namjoon asking.

Maybe it was because he was jealous of Nayeon. Jealous of a love she could have with him that he couldn't.

"Smells like pork."

"Yeah. I was eating."

"Oh. Funny you remind me of someone."

Jin's eyes widened and he was glad that Namjoon wasn't precisely looking at him. Once he set down a blue bag on the table he noticed he'd been holding something the whole time.

"I brought you a gift." He said, finally looking at him.

"A gift? For me?"

"Yes. I am sincerely grateful for the potions you have given me. They have helped me in many ways. Since you did not charge me for them I thought I'd bring you something as a token of my appreciation."

Jin walked towards the table and opened up the bag pulling out a book about flowers and plants. His eyes lit up as he scanned through the pages.

"I figured it would be useful considering you use them to make your portions."

"Yes. Thank you. I truly appreciate this." He murmured with a big smile.

"I am glad you liked it."

Jin kept looking through the pages getting lost with all the words he was reading. It wasn't until he caught a glimpse of Namjoon that he grounded himself again.

"Sorry. I got distracted."

"Oh no. Don't worry. I get it."

"I can't imagine that you've come all this way to give me this. Did you come to convince me to get you that love potion?"

"Will you give it to me?" He asked with a cheeky smile.

Jin felt his insides melt at the sight of his smile, but he kept his composure. Even if Namjoon gave him the sweetest smile in the entire world he wouldn't change his mind.

"No. I told you I cannot do that. That is dark magic even if it's for yourself. You shouldn't drink a potion to fall in love with someone."

"Yeah. I suppose you're right." He responded still with a smile only this time it was a sad one. He quickly changed his tone and recomposed himself. "How about I get another potion then?"

"Like what?"

"This one you can't deny."

"I don't know. I have to know what it is."

"I want a friendship potion. I want to be your friend."

Jin felt his face slightly flush, "You're still with that?"

"Of course. I really do want to be your friend."

"But we—"

"Before you say we can't, why don't we try? You never know unless you try."

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