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"You're not nervous?" Jin asked.

"I am very nervous." Yoongi said not moving from the chair.

"Well, you look so calm. I wouldn't be able to tell you're getting married."

"I'm losing my shit internally right now. I think I'm in shock."

"It's the double wedding. Why're you getting married again?"

"Because the last time we didn't do it out of love. I want to show Jimin that I am truly committed to him."

"Aww. Sweet."

"You know, it's weird seeing you in your own body."

"Yeah. It's weird for me too. Namjoon says I have to learn to love myself or some shit like that. I will not attend your wedding as myself though. I have Vernon to impersonate. I don't think your guards will allow me to stay." He grinned.

"I see things with him are moving forward."

"Yes. We're in a good place, but enough about me. You better practice your vows."

Yoongi took a deep breath, "Fine. Here we go again."


As Jimin's eyes looked at his reflection in the mirror he felt his heart sink. The suit that Nayeon had made for him two years ago still fit perfectly.

It was still in beautiful condition. Yoongi asked if he wanted a new one, but he declined the offer and said no. It felt right to wear the one he wore the first time.

The nerves were probably a hundred times worse now than they were then. He was older, much more mature and completely in love with Yoongi.

He was sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him so why was he feeling the need to cry?

"Jimin, again?" Jungkook asked, wiping his tears with a tissue.

"I'm sorry! They just keep coming! At least I'm no longer throwing up and having nosebleeds. That last episode was bad."

"Yeah it was. You stained my suit. Good thing it's black and I can't really see it."

"I'm just so overwhelmed with joy! You're here and I'm about to marry Yoongi. I know we're already married and that technically we can't sign again, but this time it feels real. It is real."

"I know. You're going to be fine. I'll be with you the whole time."

"Thank you for being here. I'm sorry I had to pull you away for your trip. I'm really sorry Yoongi wanted to repeat the ceremony today. It's your birthday!".

"Nonsense. I was not going to miss this. I think it's quite lovely that your wedding falls today. Double the celebration for me."

"You're so sweet. But tell me, have you spoken to Taehyung?"

Jungkook slowly pulled the tissue away and shook his head, "No. I haven't actually seen him. This day is about you though. We can talk about all that later. Are you ready?" He asked, extending his arm out.

Jimin took a deep breath wrapping his arm around his, "As ready as I'll ever be."

"It's going to be just fine."

As they headed down the stairs towards the ceremony, Jimin felt his knees weakened. He could feel his stomach rumbling all over the place.

"Uh oh." Jimin said as blood dripped from his nose.

"Shit." Jungkook murmured, pulling his handkerchief from his pocket.

Jimin held it tightly, "I better go to the restroom before we go."

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