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"Namjoon, to what do I owe this lovely pleasure?" Nayeon smiled.

"Excuse me for bothering you while you work. I was wondering if you wanted to have a walk with me?"

Nayeon kept a smile on her face as she set down the fabric that was in her hands. She got up and adjusted her dress.

She was wearing white which looked lovely against her skin tone. Her dress tied around her neck and it was long past her knees but it had this slit that exposed her upper thigh. Her hair was carefully pinned with a white ribbon around it.

She was truly beautiful.

"Of course. I always have time for you. I was getting ready to take a break either way so I guess it works out huh?"

He nodded as she walked towards him. He extended his arm out and she wrapped her hand around him giving him a light squeeze.

"It's a beautiful day." She gushed as she looked up at the bright sun.

Namjoon looked up as well but was too blinded by the brightness. He often forgot that she had supernatural abilities.

"It is beautiful. I thought we would never get over the harsh winter winds. It has finally started to warm up a little." He said, slightly shivering.

Though Nayeon was in a dress that had her upper back and legs exposed she wasn't shivering at all. Namjoon had a light coat on because the March weather was still slightly chilly.

"Spring will be here in a few weeks. It will warm up eventually. Ooh! They have cotton candy! Let's get some!" She said pulling him along to the candy store.

They each grabbed a bag of cotton candy and headed back out. Nayeon decided to take a seat on a nearby bench so they could enjoy the sweets.

Namjoon watched as she carefully plucked the cotton candy and put it in her mouth. She was so gentle with it almost like she was afraid of hurting it.


"Yes?" She asked, turning her attention to him.

"How long have you been immortal for?"

She laughed, "Are you trying to expose me?"

"Not at all. I'm just curious."

"I was turned at the age of twenty-five in the year 1713. So that makes me two hundred and seven years old."


"I know. I'm old." She chuckled.

"No, that's not why I say that. I say it because you're so sweet even after being on this earth for so long. You'd think you'd learn to be heartless and careless, but you're the opposite of that."

Nayeon smiled sheepishly, "Stop with the compliments. You're making me shy."

"It's only the truth."

"I say the same about you. You're very sweet and caring."

Namjoon looked down at his lap. His heart felt heavy, "I am neither of those things."

"That's a lie and you know it."

He shook his head in disagreement. How could he be sweet and caring when he was about to break her heart?



"Can you please get up?" She asked getting up herself. She laid down the unfinished cotton candy wrapped in the bag. Her hand was stretched out for him to hold.

Namjoon took her delicate cold hand and got up. She wrapped her tiny strong arms around his waist resting her head against his beating heart.

Her eyes filled with tears as she heard it increase in speed. She closed her eyes briefly with a smile as she took in his sweet scent.

Scent [Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now