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Jimin carefully spread the pastel yellow icing on the cake he had baked. This wasn't his favorite yellow shade. He couldn't make the right shade with the ingredients he had but he still adored it.

He wanted to have it ready and baked for their first date the following day. He wanted it to be special and he was very excited.

Even though Yoongi had been acting a bit strange, he hoped that this date would bring them closer together. To the point that whatever awkwardness was between them would resolve.

He heard a quiet noise and he looked startled. Vernon stood quietly by the door and Jimin quickly cleared his throat.

"Vernon. Good afternoon."

He bowed, "Good afternoon your highness. I apologize, I didn't mean to startle you. I was walking by and couldn't help but stop. Your cake smells delightful."

"Why thank you."

"I should get going."

"Vernon, wait, I'm sorry you got in trouble because of me."

"You have nothing to apologize for, your highness. It was my choice to show you."

"I can't help feeling bad either way. I should've just never asked."

"Curiosity is a strong thing. For humans especially. The unknown terrifies them because they have limited time. For an immortal, there's no such thing. We have all the time in the world and no matter what happens we don't have to fear it because we're immortal."

Jimin nodded slowly letting that sink in. It would explain why Yoongi never wanted to know his past lives. It would explain how Vernon lives nonchalantly as he knows who his soulmate is.

"Agreed." Jimin finally said. Vernon nodded and once again bowed, excusing himself. Jimin went back to frost the cake trying to not think about it too much.

When he was done, he stepped back and admired his work. It looked a bit messy, but it was perfect in its own way. He made sure to not put any filling except icing. Though Yoongi was immortal he didn't know if vampires had allergies of some sort.

"Looks lovely."

Jimin flinched once he heard Hoseok's voice behind him. He had been so silent that Jimin didn't realize he'd been there. It made him wonder how long he had been standing there.

Yoongi was out for a meeting so he knew this is why Hoseok had approached him. He wouldn't if Yoongi was anywhere around.

The immediate nerves hit Jimin as he tried to feel unaffected by his presence. It was definitely weird to see Taehyung around considering in a past life he served him a sex worker.

However, with Hoseok it was different because in their case there had been love. A true love connection.

That was something he couldn't brush over and it was hard to distinguish the Hoseok in the past versus the one now.

They might've had different hair colors and dressed differently, but their voices were still the same. That smile was still the same.

"Your majesty, I can't help but notice that I make you deeply uncomfortable."

"What? No. Not at all." Jimin said avoiding eye contact. He stepped forward towards the cake to add some space between them.

Suddenly, Hoseok was in front of him with his elbows on the table. "I can tell something has changed. I don't know what's happened, but I want to make something very clear."

"Yeah. What's that?" Jimin asked, finally having the courage to look him in the eye.

"My attraction towards you was solely for your blood. When I met you I was driven by your scent, but ever since I found out you'd be the king's spouse my attraction towards your blood was lost. My loyalty to the king is one that cannot be broken. One that I would never betray. I know what we had was out of convenience but it is over now. I hope this helps you feel less weird about me because to me the day you became his spouse that's the day I forgot all of our history. I am only here to serve you as your employee."

Jimin suddenly felt like a weight was lifted off him. Now he could clearly distinguish between the two Hoseok's. The one he knew in his memories and the one standing right here in front of him.

This one was not sweet, he was not loving, he was just an eccentric immortal who loved being that. Who loved his devotion to the king. Who loved his immortal years too much to throw them away for a human.

"I couldn't agree more." Jimin said with a sigh. It truly felt like a bandage was taken off his eyes and he could see things clearly now.

Hoseok nodded and excused himself from the room. Jimin sat on the nearest stool. A part of him needed that closure to move on and now he had it.

It was time to let go of the past for good.


Jimin opened his eyes as he felt Yoongi sit on the bed. He smiled as he felt his cold hand sweetly caress his face.

"Having trouble sleeping?"

"A little." He murmured with a yawn. He scooted over to give Yoongi enough space to lay down and he did.

Once he was laying in bed, he kicked off his shoes. Jimin instantly crawled towards him and cradled in his lap like a little kid. He rested his head on his neck as he wrapped his arms around him.

Yoongi pressed his lips against his hair and took a big whiff of his shampoo. It smelled like flowers. Jimin's heat was radiating through his skin. He felt him slightly shiver so he quickly put the blanket over his body.

"Sorry I'm so cold." Yoongi apologized. He never thought he'd have to apologize for this, but it seemed like the right thing to do. He couldn't imagine what Jimin felt because it had been years since he'd experienced that.

"It's okay. I'm just cold natured."

"You smell good." Yoongi blurted.

Jimin slightly blushed, "Yeah so I've been told."

"No, I don't mean your blood scent. To be honest, that's something I don't even focus on anymore."

"Oh? Really? So you mean I smell good like my shampoo?"

"Yeah that too, but it's just your natural scent. You have a special one. One that feels like home to me. I like it. I don't ever recall ever feeling this comfortable around anyone before."

Jimin smiled sheepishly, "You smell like home to me too." He admitted with a big smile.

"You sound tired. You should probably get some rest."

Jimin debated whether or not to fight off the sleep. It felt nice to have Yoongi wrapped in his arms. He was scared that by the next morning things would be different and he'd go back to acting strange.

"I'm okay. I'm not even tired."

"You're a bad liar." Yoongi chuckled.

Jimin sighed, rolling off his lap and laying down. His head sunk in the fluffy pillow and his arms were stretched out.

"You can stay in bed with me, you know." He mumbled.

Yoongi felt himself suddenly turn red. It was embarrassing to react so childishly, but the thought of sharing a bed with Jimin made him nervous.

Having him so close to the point their bodies touched made his mind spiral with improper thoughts. Thoughts he'd been fighting to suppress.

"I mean if you—"

"You feel comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed with me?" Yoongi questioned.

"Of course." Jimin reassured as he turned his body towards him. He tucked his hands under his chin as he kept looking up at Yoongi who was still sitting down.

Finally, he laid back down and Jimin smiled cuddling next to his arm. He didn't mind being a little cold as long as Yoongi was right there next to him.

"Are you going to sleep too?" Jimin wondered.

"Yes. I think I will."

"No more nightmares?"

Yoongi smiled, "No more nightmares."

Jimin smiled too, closing his eyes, "That's good news. I hate nightmares." He murmured already half asleep. Yoongi just relaxed him so much.

Yoongi looked at him in admiration. He never thought that the simple fact of laying next to him would make him this happy. He leaned over and kissed his forehead.

"No more nightmares and that's all because of you."

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