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Jin swallowed the lump in his throat as he stood in front of the library. His knees felt like they were trembling and the book in his hand was slipping from his sweaty hands.

He had thought about doing this for months. The summer days were now fall and cool. Four months and had finally gotten the courage to do it. He had written Namjoon a note more like an apology letter.

A letter he hoped Namjoon would read and understand why he did the things he did. Maybe he wouldn't even open it but he hoped he did.

The people walked by him to enter the library and he couldn't bring himself to move. He was frozen in fear.
What if Namjoon recognized him again? The last time he'd seen him was out in town and though he was in Chan's body he was still recognized.

Jin felt like he had a screen on his chest. One that revealed who he was and the only one who could see it was Namjoon.

After staying there for five minutes, he decided to move. Inside the book was the letter he had written. His plan was to sneak into the library and somehow place the book on Namjoon's desk.

He decided to walk in with a group of people to blend in. Today he was in Chaeyoung's body. Once he saw Namjoon standing behind his desk writing something down he freaked out and stepped back.

He was so focused on Namjoon that he didn't even notice that the guy behind him. They bumped into each other and the man stopped his very heavy book on Jin's foot.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" He screamed horrified.

Jin quickly apologized, "No! It's okay. It's my fault." He whispered.

"I'm sorry that must've hurt! I—"

"It's okay. It's truly okay." He murmured, turning his head towards Namjoon who was starting to look up.

Before the man could keep apologizing, Jin rushed to hide. He hid behind a bookshelf and waited for Namjoon's attention to drift back to his paperwork.

Jin admired him from a distance. Namjoon was perfect from head to toe. He smiled as he watched him lightly bite his lip and focus on whatever he was writing.

Then the sadness hit him like a ton of bricks. He would give it all up to talk and hug him once more. To hear his laugh and see his pretty smile.

Before Jin got sentimental, he found his chance to quickly rush to drop off the book. As he was two feet away he panicked and quickly slid the book across the table.

It bumped into Namjoon's hand, messing up his writing. He looked up slightly aggravated at whoever threw the book but only saw a small woman fleeing from the library.

He looked back down at the book which had opened up. There was a folded note in white paper with the words "for Namjoon" messily written on it.

The sudden aggravation was slowly replaced with curiosity. So he slowly picked up the note and opened it up.

Wanting to know what was written on it.


"Do you like it?" Yoongi asked as Jimin opened up the box.

Jimin squealed and he was glad they were the only ones in the room. Yoongi had insisted on going away for a weekend to celebrate his special day.

Of course Taehyung and Hoseok had both come along but they gave them privacy. Jimin enjoyed exploring a different place that wasn't his little town.

"I love it! It's yellow!" He said through a big smile.

Yoongi couldn't help but smile back at him. Jimin immediately took off his shirt and put on the yellow knitted sweater.

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