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"I haven't been to a lot of places outside of this castle. I thought we could have our first date here in the place where we had our first kiss."

Jimin smiled sheepishly as he walked down the steps. He looked around the indoor lagoon and took a whiff of how fresh it smelled.

The room was super bright, the sun was shining through the glass doors. There was this large sky blue blanket on the ground beside the lagoon. There was food and a beautiful glass jar with random flowers.

"Ahh so you do admit that was our first kiss then?"

"Technically yes. Although I didn't even ask for your permission. Sorry about that by the way. In my defense, I was trying to save your life."

"Thanks for saving my life although I almost drowned because of you."

"Because of me? Weren't you the one submerged underwater?" Yoongi questioned with a chuckle as they approached the picnic that was set up.

"I was simply trying to...I don't know. I am a little weird sometimes. I was bored. You startled me when I saw your face underwater. I couldn't help but scream."

"Do you want to know what's truly weird?" Yoongi asked as they took a seat.

Jimin carefully set down the cake that was covered up. He knew Yoongi most likely knew what it was, but wanted to reveal it as a surprise.


"When I was younger I used to think there were sky snakes. You know the trail that airplanes leave in the sky? Well, I always assumed they were snakes.  My father never corrected me about it. I guess he felt bad doing so."

Jimin giggled, "They do kind of look like sky snakes!"


"I ordered our chef to make us something tasty and light. I hope you like it."

"It smells delicious." Jimin admitted his stomach growling a little.

"Would you like some water? It's strawberry flavored with a hint of lavender."

"Yes please."

Yoongi grabbed a glass cup and poured him some. The water had a pinkish tone from the fresh cut strawberries and the small lavender leaves floated in between them.

Jimin smiled as he took a sip enjoying the time with Yoongi. Not to mention this place was beyond beautiful. He remembered it being pretty, but not this much.

It was definitely different being here with Yoongi instead of just by himself. He looked like he belonged here with the pretty opened white room. The green leaves growing against the walls and the white flowers hanging from the ceiling and Yoongi right in the middle of it all.

It truly was a beautiful sight.

Now he understood why the castle looked the way it did. It resembled Yoongi. Though there were cracks on the walls, random plants growing everywhere and flowers blooming, it was just like him.  

"What is?" Yoongi asked after a long moment of silence. He had been trying to analyze Jimin's expression but was unable to read him.

"Nothing. You just look so beautiful."

Yoongi nearly choked on his drink and he quickly cleared his throat. "You can't say stuff like that." He murmured with his face reddening.

Jimin found it amusing that despite being the most powerful immortal, he became flustered over a simple compliment.

It was quite obvious he wasn't used to this and neither was Jimin. It felt like they were two teenagers falling in love for the first time and in reality they were.

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