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"You can open your eyes now."

As soon as Jimin walked in the garden shed, his eyes lit up. There were fairy lights around the ceiling. Old shelves filled with decorative jars and potted houseplants.

On the other side there was another shelf filled with gardening tools. It smelled like soil and it was a strangely comfortable smell.

In the middle of the floor, there was a mattress with a plain white blanket over it. Yoongi sat down on it and Jimin did the same.

"When I was younger, I used to come here and sleep sometimes. I thought this was what camping was like. Since I wasn't allowed to leave the castle I stayed here."

"You weren't scared to sleep alone?"

"Not at all. I wasn't really alone. Since I was still young and human, there were guards outside in case I needed them. I would come here and watch the sunset. Look how beautiful it is."

Jimin then turned to look outside the large glass window. He admired the beautiful sunset orange in the sky as it slowly hid. He could physically see it happening and it was a beautiful sight.

"That's so pretty."

Yoongi was looking at Jimin. The orange reflecting on his features made him look a thousand times more beautiful.

"I used to think that was the prettiest sight in the world."

"Used to? It is. What could be more beautiful than this?" Jimin said unable to take his eyes off the sunset.

Yoongi smiled while still admiring him. How crazy to know that they found each other by pure accident. That their timing connected in an instant and that they found each other in this lifetime.

Maybe Yoongi wasn't a big believer of destiny, but he was a believer that what he felt for Jimin wasn't simple infatuation. It was love.

"You." Yoongi finally said.

Jimin turned to look at him with a blushed face. "Me? You—you think I'm pretty?"

"Yes. Very pretty." He admitted.

Jimin's face only got redder. His heart started racing at an unusual speed. "I—I think you're pretty too."

As the words left his lips, Yoongi leaned to close the space between them. The kiss was gentle and fulfilling. Neither of them realized that the sun had completely set leaving them in the dark.

The fairy lights were off so their only source of light was the big new moon appearing up in the sky.

"Yoongi." Jimin said against his lips. His breath was unsteady and the butterflies in his stomach were erupting all over his body.

There was this desire to have Yoongi. It was a desire that he couldn't put to words. A craving that was so strong he thought he'd faint if he didn't have him.

He wanted his body, his hands, his lips all over him. He wanted to feel Yoongi's hands against his hips, gripping his thighs and leaving wet kisses down his neck.

He wanted it all.


"When we had our date, you said that you...that you love me. Is that true? Do you love me?"

"Yes." Yoongi responded with no hesitation.

"Since we're being honest here, can I tell you something?"

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