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Jungkook paced back and forth the hallway with the small bundle of flowers he had picked out from the garden.

His underarms were sweating, his hair was a sticky mess now. Why was his heart racing this much? Especially because of an immortal?

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and an annoyed Taehyung walked out. "Stop pacing around." He instructed in a slow deep voice.

Jungkook flinched, freezing in his action. It took him a few seconds to finally turn around and face Taehyung who kept eye contact.

"The sound of your  khakis rubbing against your legs is irksome."

Jungkook hadn't noticed it, but then again he didn't have heightened hearing. He quickly bowed while shoving the flowers towards Taehyung.

"I apologize sir. I've come to...to ask you to forgive me. I was impulsive. I shouldn't have touched your hair without permission. I truly didn't mean to upset you. Please accept these flowers as a token of my sincere apology."

Taehyung's face felt like it could explode. He suddenly felt queasy and as Jungkook slowly straightened up it didn't make it any better.

Jungkook was tall, as tall as him. He was slender, but quite muscular. You could visibly see his toned muscles through his neatly tucked in shirt. The size of his waist was unbelievable. Those khakis and that belt only enhanced it more.

"Why are you giving me flowers?"

"I...I...uhh...I thought they'd look pretty on your hair." He admitted flustered.

"On my hair?" Taehyung repeated confused at his words.

Jungkook timidly nodded, "Yes sir."

Taehyung took the bundle of colorful flowers and walked in his room. Jungkook peeked inside observing the blank white four walls. His bed wasn't done, the blanket was a wine red color while the pillow cases were green. It annoyed Jungkook to see it not match.

Taehyung wasn't one to match either way. Today he wore a black long sleeve shirt, which was untucked of course, a navy suit jacket, a different shade of black khakis that looked more brown than black and lastly an old pair of grey boots. His tie wasn't fixed right and his hair was in a low messy bun. How could he never look presentable when he worked for the king?

Jungkook watched as Taehyung stood in front of a long mirror that was on the wall. He took the flowers and put them on top of his head.

A soft giggle escaped Jungkook's lips and Taehyung quickly removed the flowers from his head and turned to look at him. Jungkook was slightly scared for a moment until he realized that he wasn't angry at him for laughing.

He was embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I should've elaborated. Can I show you what I mean?"

Taehyung nodded and Jungkook stepped in the room. He walked slowly towards him, feeling his heart race as he got closer.

When he felt a cold breeze hit him, he noticed that it was Taehyung and he had closed the door. Jungkook's heart raced even more.

"I—I don't want someone to walk by and think that..." Taehyung couldn't even finish his sentence. "I will not hurt you." He reassured a nervous Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded though he wasn't so sure of this. When Taehyung walked back to him, he did it at a normal speed.

"Have a seat here." Jungkook said pointing to the bed. Taehyung did as instructed and he got behind him.

"Can I touch your hair?"

He nodded, keeping quiet. Jungkook removed the hair tie from his hair and ran his fingers through it. It was so long, silly, and smooth. Taehyung kept quiet although his fingers felt good against his scalp.

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