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"I don't think this is a good idea." Hoseok butted in.

"Come on dad, I don't need your permission to go out."

"Dad? I'm no longer daddy?" He asked, offended.

"This is the least of the concerns. If I may say your majesty, you've never been out of this castle. You don't even know what it's like to be out there. If someone were to recognize you, you'd be put in danger." Taehyung argued.

"Exactly, that's why Taehyung and I should go with you just to verify that you're safe."

"If I have bodyguards it will point out the obvious." Yoongi said back.

"But if you need us then we can't be there if we don't go with—"

"Why do you want to go to town either way?" Hoseok asked.

"Because I was told that if I didn't go I'd be a little bitch and I am not a little bitch."

"Who said that?"

"Can I say something?" Jimin asked, raising his hand.

Six pairs of red eyes turned to face Jimin. For a split second they forgot that he was even present. Jimin cleared his throat now that the attention was on him.

"We will be dressed in regular clothes. Not a three piece fancy suit. If people notice he's the king what can they possibly do? Would they really try to hurt the most powerful hybrid in the world?"

Yoongi smiled, raising his eyebrows as he looked at his two employees. Both were unable to argue with that logic because who would ever go against Min Fucking Yoongi?


"I thought you said casual." Yoongi said, shaking his head.

"This is casual." He argued looking down at his outfit.

It consisted of a bright yellow short sleeve shirt and khakis. Yoongi wore a short sleeve black shirt and black khakis.

Jimin had removed all of his jewelry, including his ring but Yoongi kept his. Considering Jimin's was very flashy and would definitely be noticed. Something about Yoongi keeping his ring on made Jimin feel all jittery and he couldn't really explain why.

They had snuck out through the back of the castle and were walking through the forest to get to town. According to Yoongi, this was a short cut so no one would see them walk out of the castle.

Although his employees had opposed him leaving the safe place, he had done it either way because he could.

"Everyone will look at your dumb yellow shirt and notice me."

Jimin huffed offended, "Take that back! My shirt is not dumb!"

"It's a hideous color." He said wrinkling his nose.

"No it's not! It's my favorite color in the whole entire world."

Yoongi scoffed, "Ahh. Of course it is. I can see why."

"You take that shit ba—" Jimin nearly tripped over a branch and Yoongi caught him before he did.

"Watch your step please. We want you to make it alive downtown."

Jimin blushed, "Take it back. I could care less if I make it alive."

Yoongi smiled, "You're so funny."

"Why don't you like yellow? It's the best color in the world. It's the color of the sun, daffodils and by the way daffodils are my favorite. Yellow means freshness, happiness, clarity and—"

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